--- - block: - name: Find out which resources we are going to configure set_fact: rkind="{{ tmpl.kind }}" rname="{{ tmpl.metadata.name }}" - name: "Lookup the specified resource {{rkind}}/{{rname}} in {{project}}" command: "oc get -n {{project}} {{rkind}}/{{rname}}" register: find_result changed_when: false failed_when: false - name: "Detroy existing resources {{rkind}}/{{rname}} in {{project}}" command: "oc delete -n {{project}} {{rkind}}/{{rname}}" register: rm_result failed_when: false changed_when: (rm_result | succeeded) when: (recreate|default(false)) - name: "Populate resources defined in {{ template }} to {{project}} ({{ replace | default(false) | ternary('replace', 'create') }})" command: "oc {{ replace | default(false) | ternary((find_result.rc == 0) | ternary('replace', 'create'), 'create') }} -n {{project}} -f '{{ template_path }}/{{ template }}' {{ create_args | default('') }}" when: (recreate|default(false)) or (replace | default(false)) or (find_result.rc != 0) run_once: true