path: root/playbooks
diff options
authorTomas Sedovic <>2017-10-23 12:57:29 +0200
committerTomas Sedovic <>2017-11-07 14:35:46 +1100
commit4ed9aef6f8ed0850e70b498e780d0d8e22bc277f (patch)
treea2c63b7379e46d2aca4379eccceaaf91ef92fc4f /playbooks
parent8b8eeab919b76bee6a2e0ad1336bd4dbb1db1e95 (diff)
Add openshift_openstack role and move tasks there
All the tasks that were previously in playbooks are now under `roles/openshift_openstack`. The `openshift-cluster` directory now only contains playbooks that include tasks from that role. This makes the structure much closer to that of the AWS provider.
Diffstat (limited to 'playbooks')
19 files changed, 118 insertions, 533 deletions
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/ b/playbooks/openstack/
index f3d5b5aa8..875004cc9 100644
--- a/playbooks/openstack/
+++ b/playbooks/openstack/
@@ -38,6 +38,19 @@ Optional:
* External Neutron network with a floating IP address pool
+## DNS Requirements
+OpenShift requires DNS to operate properly. OpenStack supports DNS-as-a-service
+in the form of the Designate project, but the playbooks here don't support it
+yet. Until we do, you will need to provide a DNS solution yourself (or in case
+you are not running Designate when we do).
+If your server supports nsupdate, we will use it to add the necessary records.
+TODO(shadower): describe how to build a sample DNS server and how to configure
+our playbooks for nsupdate.
## Installation
There are four main parts to the installation:
@@ -143,6 +156,8 @@ $ vi inventory/group_vars/all.yml
4. Set the `openstack_default_flavor` to the flavor you want your
OpenShift VMs to use.
- See `openstack flavor list` for the list of available flavors.
+5. Set the `public_dns_nameservers` to the list of the IP addresses
+ of the DNS servers used for the **private** address resolution[1].
**NOTE**: In most OpenStack environments, you will also need to
configure the forwarders for the DNS server we create. This depends on
@@ -153,6 +168,9 @@ put the IP addresses into `public_dns_nameservers` in
+[1]: Yes, the name is bad. We will fix it.
#### OpenShift configuration
The OpenShift configuration is in `inventory/group_vars/OSEv3.yml`.
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/galaxy-requirements.yaml b/playbooks/openstack/galaxy-requirements.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d745dcc3..000000000
--- a/playbooks/openstack/galaxy-requirements.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# This is the Ansible Galaxy requirements file to pull in the correct roles
-# From 'infra-ansible'
-- src:
- version: master
-# From 'openshift-ansible'
-- src:
- version: master
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/custom_flavor_check.yaml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/custom_flavor_check.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e11874c28..000000000
--- a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/custom_flavor_check.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-- name: Try to get flavor facts
- os_flavor_facts:
- name: "{{ flavor }}"
- register: flavor_result
-- name: Check that custom flavor is available
- assert:
- that: "flavor_result.ansible_facts.openstack_flavors"
- msg: "Flavor {{ flavor }} is not available."
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/custom_image_check.yaml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/custom_image_check.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 452e1e4d8..000000000
--- a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/custom_image_check.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-- name: Try to get image facts
- os_image_facts:
- image: "{{ image }}"
- register: image_result
-- name: Check that custom image is available
- assert:
- that: "image_result.ansible_facts.openstack_image"
- msg: "Image {{ image }} is not available."
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/install.yml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/install.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40d4767ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/install.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# NOTE(shadower): the AWS playbook builds an in-memory inventory of
+# all the EC2 instances here. We don't need to as that's done by the
+# dynamic inventory.
+# TODO(shadower): the AWS playbook sets the
+# `openshift_master_cluster_hostname` and `osm_custom_cors_origins`
+# values here. We do it in the OSEv3 group vars. Do we need to add
+# some logic here?
+- name: normalize groups
+ include: ../../byo/openshift-cluster/initialize_groups.yml
+- name: run the std_include
+ include: ../../common/openshift-cluster/std_include.yml
+- name: run the config
+ include: ../../common/openshift-cluster/config.yml
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/net_vars_check.yaml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/net_vars_check.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68afde415..000000000
--- a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/net_vars_check.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-- name: Check the provider network configuration
- fail:
- msg: "Flannel SDN requires a dedicated containers data network and can not work over a provider network"
- when:
- - openstack_provider_network_name is defined
- - openstack_private_data_network_name is defined
-- name: Check the flannel network configuration
- fail:
- msg: "A dedicated containers data network is only supported with Flannel SDN"
- when:
- - openstack_private_data_network_name is defined
- - not openshift_use_flannel|default(False)|bool
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/post-install.yml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/post-install.yml
index 417813e2a..7b1744a18 100644
--- a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/post-install.yml
+++ b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/post-install.yml
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
- when: openshift_use_flannel|default(False)|bool
- include_role:
- name: openshift-ansible/roles/os_firewall
+ name: os_firewall
- include_role:
- name: openshift-ansible/roles/lib_os_firewall
+ name: lib_os_firewall
- name: set allow rules for dnsmasq
name: "{{ item.service }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/post-provision-openstack.yml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/post-provision-openstack.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e460fbf12..000000000
--- a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/post-provision-openstack.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: cluster_hosts
- name: Wait for the the nodes to come up
- become: False
- gather_facts: False
- tasks:
- - when: not openstack_use_bastion|default(False)|bool
- wait_for_connection:
- - when: openstack_use_bastion|default(False)|bool
- delegate_to: bastion
- wait_for_connection:
-- hosts: cluster_hosts
- gather_facts: True
- tasks:
- - name: Debug hostvar
- debug:
- msg: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname] }}"
- verbosity: 2
-- name: OpenShift Pre-Requisites (part 1)
- include: pre-install.yml
-- name: Assign hostnames
- hosts: cluster_hosts
- gather_facts: False
- become: true
- roles:
- - role: hostnames
-- name: Subscribe DNS Host to allow for configuration below
- hosts: dns
- gather_facts: False
- become: true
- roles:
- - role: subscription-manager
- when: hostvars.localhost.rhsm_register|default(False)
- tags: 'subscription-manager'
-- name: Determine which DNS server(s) to use for our generated records
- hosts: localhost
- gather_facts: False
- become: False
- roles:
- - dns-server-detect
-- name: Build the DNS Server Views and Configure DNS Server(s)
- hosts: dns
- gather_facts: False
- become: true
- roles:
- - role: dns-views
- - role: infra-ansible/roles/dns-server
-- name: Build and process DNS Records
- hosts: localhost
- gather_facts: True
- become: False
- roles:
- - role: dns-records
- use_bastion: "{{ openstack_use_bastion|default(False)|bool }}"
- - role: infra-ansible/roles/dns
-- name: Switch the stack subnet to the configured private DNS server
- hosts: localhost
- gather_facts: False
- become: False
- vars_files:
- - stack_params.yaml
- tasks:
- - include_role:
- name: openstack-stack
- tasks_from: subnet_update_dns_servers
-- name: OpenShift Pre-Requisites (part 2)
- hosts: OSEv3
- gather_facts: true
- become: true
- vars:
- interface: "{{ flannel_interface|default('eth1') }}"
- interface_file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{{ interface }}
- interface_config:
- DEVICE: "{{ interface }}"
- TYPE: Ethernet
- ONBOOT: 'yes'
- PEERDNS: 'no'
- pre_tasks:
- - name: "Include DNS configuration to ensure proper name resolution"
- lineinfile:
- state: present
- dest: /etc/sysconfig/network
- regexp: "IP4_NAMESERVERS={{ hostvars['localhost'].private_dns_server }}"
- line: "IP4_NAMESERVERS={{ hostvars['localhost'].private_dns_server }}"
- - name: "Configure the flannel interface options"
- when: openshift_use_flannel|default(False)|bool
- block:
- - file:
- dest: "{{ interface_file }}"
- state: touch
- mode: 0644
- owner: root
- group: root
- - lineinfile:
- state: present
- dest: "{{ interface_file }}"
- regexp: "{{ item.key }}="
- line: "{{ item.key }}={{ item.value }}"
- with_dict: "{{ interface_config }}"
- roles:
- - node-network-manager
-- include: prepare-and-format-cinder-volume.yaml
- when: >
- prepare_and_format_registry_volume|default(False) or
- (cinder_registry_volume is defined and
- cinder_registry_volume.changed|default(False))
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/pre-install.yml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/pre-install.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c9f333b92..000000000
--- a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/pre-install.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# OpenShift Pre-Requisites
-# - subscribe hosts
-# - prepare docker
-# - other prep (install additional packages, etc.)
-- hosts: OSEv3
- become: true
- roles:
- - { role: subscription-manager, when: hostvars.localhost.rhsm_register|default(False), tags: 'subscription-manager', ansible_sudo: true }
- - role: docker-storage-setup
- docker_dev: /dev/vdb
- tags: 'docker'
- - { role: openshift-prep, tags: 'openshift-prep' }
-- hosts: localhost:cluster_hosts
- become: False
- tasks:
- - include: pre_tasks.yml
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/pre_tasks.yml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/pre_tasks.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 11fe2dd84..000000000
--- a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/pre_tasks.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-- name: Generate Environment ID
- set_fact:
- env_random_id: "{{ ansible_date_time.epoch }}"
- run_once: true
- delegate_to: localhost
-- name: Set default Environment ID
- set_fact:
- default_env_id: "openshift-{{ lookup('env','OS_USERNAME') }}-{{ env_random_id }}"
- delegate_to: localhost
-- name: Setting Common Facts
- set_fact:
- env_id: "{{ env_id | default(default_env_id) }}"
- delegate_to: localhost
-- name: Updating DNS domain to include env_id (if not empty)
- set_fact:
- full_dns_domain: "{{ (env_id|trim == '') | ternary(public_dns_domain, env_id + '.' + public_dns_domain) }}"
- delegate_to: localhost
-- name: Set the APP domain for OpenShift use
- set_fact:
- openshift_app_domain: "{{ openshift_app_domain | default('apps') }}"
- delegate_to: localhost
-- name: Set the default app domain for routing purposes
- set_fact:
- openshift_master_default_subdomain: "{{ openshift_app_domain }}.{{ full_dns_domain }}"
- delegate_to: localhost
- when:
- - openshift_master_default_subdomain is undefined
-# Check that openshift_cluster_node_labels has regions defined for all groups
-# NOTE(kpilatov): if node labels are to be enabled for more groups,
-# this check needs to be modified as well
-- name: Set openshift_cluster_node_labels if undefined (should not happen)
- set_fact:
- openshift_cluster_node_labels: {'app': {'region': 'primary'}, 'infra': {'region': 'infra'}}
- when: openshift_cluster_node_labels is not defined
-- name: Set openshift_cluster_node_labels for the infra group
- set_fact:
- openshift_cluster_node_labels: "{{ openshift_cluster_node_labels | combine({'infra': {'region': 'infra'}}, recursive=True) }}"
-- name: Set openshift_cluster_node_labels for the app group
- set_fact:
- openshift_cluster_node_labels: "{{ openshift_cluster_node_labels | combine({'app': {'region': 'primary'}}, recursive=True) }}"
-- name: Set openshift_cluster_node_labels for auto-scaling app nodes
- set_fact:
- openshift_cluster_node_labels: "{{ openshift_cluster_node_labels | combine({'app': {'autoscaling': 'app'}}, recursive=True) }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/prepare-and-format-cinder-volume.yaml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/prepare-and-format-cinder-volume.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 30e094459..000000000
--- a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/prepare-and-format-cinder-volume.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: localhost
- gather_facts: False
- become: False
- tasks:
- - set_fact:
- cinder_volume: "{{ hostvars[groups.masters[0]].openshift_hosted_registry_storage_openstack_volumeID }}"
- cinder_fs: "{{ hostvars[groups.masters[0]].openshift_hosted_registry_storage_openstack_filesystem }}"
- - name: Attach the volume to the VM
- os_server_volume:
- state: present
- server: "{{ groups['masters'][0] }}"
- volume: "{{ cinder_volume }}"
- register: volume_attachment
- - set_fact:
- attached_device: >-
- {{ volume_attachment['attachments']|json_query("[?volume_id=='" + cinder_volume + "'].device | [0]") }}
- - delegate_to: "{{ groups['masters'][0] }}"
- block:
- - name: Wait for the device to appear
- wait_for: path={{ attached_device }}
- - name: Create a temp directory for mounting the volume
- tempfile:
- prefix: cinder-volume
- state: directory
- register: cinder_mount_dir
- - name: Format the device
- filesystem:
- fstype: "{{ cinder_fs }}"
- dev: "{{ attached_device }}"
- - name: Mount the device
- mount:
- name: "{{ cinder_mount_dir.path }}"
- src: "{{ attached_device }}"
- state: mounted
- fstype: "{{ cinder_fs }}"
- - name: Change mode on the filesystem
- file:
- path: "{{ cinder_mount_dir.path }}"
- state: directory
- recurse: true
- mode: 0777
- - name: Unmount the device
- mount:
- name: "{{ cinder_mount_dir.path }}"
- src: "{{ attached_device }}"
- state: absent
- fstype: "{{ cinder_fs }}"
- - name: Delete the temp directory
- file:
- name: "{{ cinder_mount_dir.path }}"
- state: absent
- - name: Detach the volume from the VM
- os_server_volume:
- state: absent
- server: "{{ groups['masters'][0] }}"
- volume: "{{ cinder_volume }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/prerequisites.yml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/prerequisites.yml
index 11a31411e..0356b37dd 100644
--- a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/prerequisites.yml
+++ b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/prerequisites.yml
@@ -1,123 +1,12 @@
- hosts: localhost
- # Sanity check of inventory variables
- - include: net_vars_check.yaml
- # Check ansible
- - name: Check Ansible version
- assert:
- that: >
- (ansible_version.major == 2 and ansible_version.minor >= 3) or
- (ansible_version.major > 2)
- msg: "Ansible version must be at least 2.3"
- # Check shade
- - name: Try to import python module shade
- command: python -c "import shade"
- ignore_errors: yes
- register: shade_result
- - name: Check if shade is installed
- assert:
- that: 'shade_result.rc == 0'
- msg: "Python module shade is not installed"
- # Check jmespath
- - name: Try to import python module shade
- command: python -c "import jmespath"
- ignore_errors: yes
- register: jmespath_result
- - name: Check if jmespath is installed
- assert:
- that: 'jmespath_result.rc == 0'
- msg: "Python module jmespath is not installed"
- # Check python-dns
- - name: Try to import python DNS module
- command: python -c "import dns"
- ignore_errors: yes
- register: pythondns_result
- - name: Check if python-dns is installed
- assert:
- that: 'pythondns_result.rc == 0'
- msg: "Python module python-dns is not installed"
- # Check jinja2
- - name: Try to import jinja2 module
- command: python -c "import jinja2"
- ignore_errors: yes
- register: jinja_result
- - name: Check if jinja2 is installed
- assert:
- that: 'jinja_result.rc == 0'
- msg: "Python module jinja2 is not installed"
- # Check Glance image
- - name: Try to get image facts
- os_image_facts:
- image: "{{ openstack_default_image_name }}"
- register: image_result
- - name: Check that image is available
- assert:
- that: "image_result.ansible_facts.openstack_image"
- msg: "Image {{ openstack_default_image_name }} is not available"
- # Check network name
- - name: Try to get network facts
- os_networks_facts:
- name: "{{ openstack_external_network_name }}"
- register: network_result
- when: not openstack_provider_network_name|default(None)
- - name: Check that network is available
- assert:
- that: "network_result.ansible_facts.openstack_networks"
- msg: "Network {{ openstack_external_network_name }} is not available"
- when: not openstack_provider_network_name|default(None)
- # Check keypair
- # TODO kpilatov: there is no Ansible module for getting OS keypairs
- # (os_keypair is not suitable for this)
- # this method does not force python-openstackclient dependency
- - name: Try to show keypair
- command: >
- python -c 'import shade; cloud = shade.openstack_cloud();
- exit(cloud.get_keypair("{{ openstack_ssh_public_key }}") is None)'
- ignore_errors: yes
- register: key_result
- - name: Check that keypair is available
- assert:
- that: 'key_result.rc == 0'
- msg: "Keypair {{ openstack_ssh_public_key }} is not available"
-# Check that custom images and flavors exist
-- hosts: localhost
- # Include variables that will be used by heat
- vars_files:
- - stack_params.yaml
- tasks:
- # Check that custom images are available
- - include: custom_image_check.yaml
- with_items:
- - "{{ openstack_master_image }}"
- - "{{ openstack_infra_image }}"
- - "{{ openstack_node_image }}"
- - "{{ openstack_lb_image }}"
- - "{{ openstack_etcd_image }}"
- - "{{ openstack_dns_image }}"
- loop_control:
- loop_var: image
- # Check that custom flavors are available
- - include: custom_flavor_check.yaml
- with_items:
- - "{{ master_flavor }}"
- - "{{ infra_flavor }}"
- - "{{ node_flavor }}"
- - "{{ lb_flavor }}"
- - "{{ etcd_flavor }}"
- - "{{ dns_flavor }}"
- loop_control:
- loop_var: flavor
+ - name: Check dependencies and OpenStack prerequisites
+ include_role:
+ name: openshift_openstack
+ tasks_from: check-prerequisites.yml
+ - name: Check network configuration
+ include_role:
+ name: openshift_openstack
+ tasks_from: net_vars_check.yaml
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/provision-openstack.yml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/provision-openstack.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index bf424676d..000000000
--- a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/provision-openstack.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: localhost
- gather_facts: True
- become: False
- vars_files:
- - stack_params.yaml
- pre_tasks:
- - include: pre_tasks.yml
- roles:
- - role: openstack-stack
- - role: openstack-create-cinder-registry
- when:
- - cinder_hosted_registry_name is defined
- - cinder_hosted_registry_size_gb is defined
- - role: static_inventory
- when: openstack_inventory|default('static') == 'static'
- inventory_path: "{{ openstack_inventory_path|default(inventory_dir) }}"
- private_ssh_key: "{{ openstack_private_ssh_key|default('') }}"
- ssh_config_path: "{{ openstack_ssh_config_path|default('/tmp/ssh.config.openshift.ansible' + '.' + stack_name) }}"
- ssh_user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
-- name: Refresh Server inventory or exit to apply SSH config
- hosts: localhost
- connection: local
- become: False
- gather_facts: False
- tasks:
- - name: Exit to apply SSH config for a bastion
- meta: end_play
- when: openstack_use_bastion|default(False)|bool
- - name: Refresh Server inventory
- meta: refresh_inventory
-- include: post-provision-openstack.yml
- when: not openstack_use_bastion|default(False)|bool
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/provision.yaml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/provision.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 474c9c803..000000000
--- a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/provision.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-- include: "prerequisites.yml"
-- include: "provision-openstack.yml"
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/provision.yml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/provision.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b20d5720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/provision.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+- name: Create the OpenStack resources for cluster installation
+ hosts: localhost
+ tasks:
+ - name: provision cluster
+ include_role:
+ name: openshift_openstack
+ tasks_from: provision.yml
+# NOTE(shadower): the (internal) DNS must be functional at this point!!
+# That will have happened in provision.yml if nsupdate was configured.
+# TODO(shadower): consider splitting this up so people can stop here
+# and configure their DNS if they have to.
+- name: Prepare the Nodes in the cluster for installation
+ hosts: cluster_hosts
+ become: true
+ # NOTE: The nodes may not be up yet, don't gather facts here.
+ # They'll be collected after `wait_for_connection`.
+ gather_facts: no
+ tasks:
+ - name: Wait for the the nodes to come up
+ wait_for_connection:
+ - name: Gather facts for the new nodes
+ setup:
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ include_role:
+ name: openshift_openstack
+ tasks_from: node-packages.yml
+ - name: Configure Node
+ include_role:
+ name: openshift_openstack
+ tasks_from: node-configuration.yml
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/provision_install.yml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/provision_install.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d88c105f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/provision_install.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+- name: Check the prerequisites for cluster provisioning in OpenStack
+ include: prerequisites.yml
+- name: Include the provision.yml playbook to create cluster
+ include: provision.yml
+- name: Include the install.yml playbook to install cluster
+ include: install.yml
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/scale-up.yaml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/scale-up.yaml
index 79fc09050..f99ff1349 100644
--- a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/scale-up.yaml
+++ b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/scale-up.yaml
@@ -41,21 +41,16 @@
openstack_num_nodes: "{{ oc_old_num_nodes | int + increment_by | int }}"
# Run provision.yaml with higher number of nodes to create a new app-node VM
-- include: provision.yaml
+- include: provision.yml
# Run config.yml to perform openshift installation
-# Path to openshift-ansible can be customised:
-# - the value of openshift_ansible_dir has to be an absolute path
-# - the path cannot contain the '/' symbol at the end
# Creating a new deployment by the full installation
-- include: "{{ openshift_ansible_dir }}/playbooks/byo/config.yml"
- vars:
- openshift_ansible_dir: ../../../../openshift-ansible
+- include: install.yml
when: 'not groups["new_nodes"] | list'
# Scaling up existing deployment
-- include: "{{ openshift_ansible_dir }}/playbooks/byo/openshift-node/scaleup.yml"
+- include: "../../byo/openshift-node/scaleup.yml"
openshift_ansible_dir: ../../../../openshift-ansible
when: 'groups["new_nodes"] | list'
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/stack_params.yaml b/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/stack_params.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a4da31bfe..000000000
--- a/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/stack_params.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-stack_name: "{{ env_id }}.{{ public_dns_domain }}"
-dns_domain: "{{ public_dns_domain }}"
-dns_nameservers: "{{ public_dns_nameservers }}"
-subnet_prefix: "{{ openstack_subnet_prefix }}"
-master_hostname: "{{ openstack_master_hostname | default('master') }}"
-infra_hostname: "{{ openstack_infra_hostname | default('infra-node') }}"
-node_hostname: "{{ openstack_node_hostname | default('app-node') }}"
-lb_hostname: "{{ openstack_lb_hostname | default('lb') }}"
-etcd_hostname: "{{ openstack_etcd_hostname | default('etcd') }}"
-dns_hostname: "{{ openstack_dns_hostname | default('dns') }}"
-ssh_public_key: "{{ openstack_ssh_public_key }}"
-openstack_image: "{{ openstack_default_image_name }}"
-lb_flavor: "{{ openstack_lb_flavor | default(openstack_default_flavor) }}"
-etcd_flavor: "{{ openstack_etcd_flavor | default(openstack_default_flavor) }}"
-master_flavor: "{{ openstack_master_flavor | default(openstack_default_flavor) }}"
-node_flavor: "{{ openstack_node_flavor | default(openstack_default_flavor) }}"
-infra_flavor: "{{ openstack_infra_flavor | default(openstack_default_flavor) }}"
-dns_flavor: "{{ openstack_dns_flavor | default(openstack_default_flavor) }}"
-openstack_master_image: "{{ openstack_master_image_name | default(openstack_default_image_name) }}"
-openstack_infra_image: "{{ openstack_infra_image_name | default(openstack_default_image_name) }}"
-openstack_node_image: "{{ openstack_node_image_name | default(openstack_default_image_name) }}"
-openstack_lb_image: "{{ openstack_lb_image_name | default(openstack_default_image_name) }}"
-openstack_etcd_image: "{{ openstack_etcd_image_name | default(openstack_default_image_name) }}"
-openstack_dns_image: "{{ openstack_dns_image_name | default(openstack_default_image_name) }}"
-openstack_private_network: >-
- {% if openstack_provider_network_name | default(None) -%}
- {{ openstack_provider_network_name }}
- {%- else -%}
- {{ openstack_private_network_name | default ('openshift-ansible-' + stack_name + '-net') }}
- {%- endif -%}
-provider_network: "{{ openstack_provider_network_name | default(None) }}"
-external_network: "{{ openstack_external_network_name | default(None) }}"
-num_etcd: "{{ openstack_num_etcd | default(0) }}"
-num_masters: "{{ openstack_num_masters }}"
-num_nodes: "{{ openstack_num_nodes }}"
-num_infra: "{{ openstack_num_infra }}"
-num_dns: "{{ openstack_num_dns | default(1) }}"
-master_server_group_policies: "{{ openstack_master_server_group_policies | default([]) | to_yaml }}"
-infra_server_group_policies: "{{ openstack_infra_server_group_policies | default([]) | to_yaml }}"
-master_volume_size: "{{ docker_master_volume_size | default(docker_volume_size) }}"
-infra_volume_size: "{{ docker_infra_volume_size | default(docker_volume_size) }}"
-node_volume_size: "{{ docker_node_volume_size | default(docker_volume_size) }}"
-etcd_volume_size: "{{ docker_etcd_volume_size | default('2') }}"
-dns_volume_size: "{{ docker_dns_volume_size | default('1') }}"
-lb_volume_size: "{{ docker_lb_volume_size | default('5') }}"
-nodes_to_remove: "{{ openstack_nodes_to_remove | default([]) | to_yaml }}"
-use_bastion: "{{ openstack_use_bastion|default(False) }}"
-ui_ssh_tunnel: "{{ openshift_ui_ssh_tunnel|default(False) }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/openstack/sample-inventory/ b/playbooks/openstack/sample-inventory/
index 6a1b74b3d..47c56d94d 100755
--- a/playbooks/openstack/sample-inventory/
+++ b/playbooks/openstack/sample-inventory/
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
+This is an Ansible dynamic inventory for OpenStack.
+It requires your OpenStack credentials to be set in clouds.yaml or your shell
from __future__ import print_function
@@ -7,7 +14,8 @@ import json
import shade
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+def build_inventory():
+ '''Build the dynamic inventory.'''
cloud = shade.openstack_cloud()
inventory = {}
@@ -39,13 +47,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
dns = [ for server in cluster_hosts
if server.metadata['host-type'] == 'dns']
- lb = [ for server in cluster_hosts
- if server.metadata['host-type'] == 'lb']
+ load_balancers = [ for server in cluster_hosts
+ if server.metadata['host-type'] == 'lb']
- osev3 = list(set(nodes + etcd + lb))
- groups = [ for server in cluster_hosts
- if 'group' in server.metadata]
+ osev3 = list(set(nodes + etcd + load_balancers))
inventory['cluster_hosts'] = {'hosts': [ for s in cluster_hosts]}
inventory['OSEv3'] = {'hosts': osev3}
@@ -55,7 +60,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
inventory['infra_hosts'] = {'hosts': infra_hosts}
inventory['app'] = {'hosts': app}
inventory['dns'] = {'hosts': dns}
- inventory['lb'] = {'hosts': lb}
+ inventory['lb'] = {'hosts': load_balancers}
for server in cluster_hosts:
if 'group' in server.metadata:
@@ -68,21 +73,24 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
for server in cluster_hosts:
ssh_ip_address = server.public_v4 or server.private_v4
- vars = {
+ hostvars = {
'ansible_host': ssh_ip_address
public_v4 = server.public_v4 or server.private_v4
if public_v4:
- vars['public_v4'] = public_v4
+ hostvars['public_v4'] = public_v4
# TODO(shadower): what about multiple networks?
if server.private_v4:
- vars['private_v4'] = server.private_v4
+ hostvars['private_v4'] = server.private_v4
node_labels = server.metadata.get('node_labels')
if node_labels:
- vars['openshift_node_labels'] = node_labels
+ hostvars['openshift_node_labels'] = node_labels
+ inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][] = hostvars
+ return inventory
- inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][] = vars
- print(json.dumps(inventory, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print(json.dumps(build_inventory(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))