path: root/roles/openshift_facts/library/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/openshift_facts/library/')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 465 deletions
diff --git a/roles/openshift_facts/library/ b/roles/openshift_facts/library/
index 508228b2e..a10ba9310 100755
--- a/roles/openshift_facts/library/
+++ b/roles/openshift_facts/library/
@@ -11,14 +11,13 @@ import copy
import errno
import json
import re
-import io
import os
import yaml
import struct
import socket
from distutils.util import strtobool
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types, text_type
+from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
# ignore pylint errors related to the module_utils import
@@ -86,24 +85,6 @@ def migrate_node_facts(facts):
return facts
-def migrate_hosted_facts(facts):
- """ Apply migrations for master facts """
- if 'master' in facts:
- if 'router_selector' in facts['master']:
- if 'hosted' not in facts:
- facts['hosted'] = {}
- if 'router' not in facts['hosted']:
- facts['hosted']['router'] = {}
- facts['hosted']['router']['selector'] = facts['master'].pop('router_selector')
- if 'registry_selector' in facts['master']:
- if 'hosted' not in facts:
- facts['hosted'] = {}
- if 'registry' not in facts['hosted']:
- facts['hosted']['registry'] = {}
- facts['hosted']['registry']['selector'] = facts['master'].pop('registry_selector')
- return facts
def migrate_admission_plugin_facts(facts):
""" Apply migrations for admission plugin facts """
if 'master' in facts:
@@ -113,8 +94,7 @@ def migrate_admission_plugin_facts(facts):
# Merge existing kube_admission_plugin_config with admission_plugin_config.
facts['master']['admission_plugin_config'] = merge_facts(facts['master']['admission_plugin_config'],
- additive_facts_to_overwrite=[],
- protected_facts_to_overwrite=[])
+ additive_facts_to_overwrite=[])
# Remove kube_admission_plugin_config fact
facts['master'].pop('kube_admission_plugin_config', None)
return facts
@@ -125,7 +105,6 @@ def migrate_local_facts(facts):
migrated_facts = copy.deepcopy(facts)
migrated_facts = migrate_common_facts(migrated_facts)
migrated_facts = migrate_node_facts(migrated_facts)
- migrated_facts = migrate_hosted_facts(migrated_facts)
migrated_facts = migrate_admission_plugin_facts(migrated_facts)
return migrated_facts
@@ -412,58 +391,6 @@ def normalize_provider_facts(provider, metadata):
return facts
-# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
-def set_selectors(facts):
- """ Set selectors facts if not already present in facts dict
- Args:
- facts (dict): existing facts
- Returns:
- dict: the facts dict updated with the generated selectors
- facts if they were not already present
- """
- selector = "region=infra"
- if 'hosted' not in facts:
- facts['hosted'] = {}
- if 'router' not in facts['hosted']:
- facts['hosted']['router'] = {}
- if 'selector' not in facts['hosted']['router'] or facts['hosted']['router']['selector'] in [None, 'None']:
- facts['hosted']['router']['selector'] = selector
- if 'registry' not in facts['hosted']:
- facts['hosted']['registry'] = {}
- if 'selector' not in facts['hosted']['registry'] or facts['hosted']['registry']['selector'] in [None, 'None']:
- facts['hosted']['registry']['selector'] = selector
- if 'metrics' not in facts['hosted']:
- facts['hosted']['metrics'] = {}
- if 'selector' not in facts['hosted']['metrics'] or facts['hosted']['metrics']['selector'] in [None, 'None']:
- facts['hosted']['metrics']['selector'] = None
- if 'logging' not in facts or not isinstance(facts['logging'], dict):
- facts['logging'] = {}
- if 'selector' not in facts['logging'] or facts['logging']['selector'] in [None, 'None']:
- facts['logging']['selector'] = None
- if 'etcd' not in facts['hosted']:
- facts['hosted']['etcd'] = {}
- if 'selector' not in facts['hosted']['etcd'] or facts['hosted']['etcd']['selector'] in [None, 'None']:
- facts['hosted']['etcd']['selector'] = None
- if 'prometheus' not in facts:
- facts['prometheus'] = {}
- if 'selector' not in facts['prometheus'] or facts['prometheus']['selector'] in [None, 'None']:
- facts['prometheus']['selector'] = None
- if 'alertmanager' not in facts['prometheus']:
- facts['prometheus']['alertmanager'] = {}
- # pylint: disable=line-too-long
- if 'selector' not in facts['prometheus']['alertmanager'] or facts['prometheus']['alertmanager']['selector'] in [None, 'None']:
- facts['prometheus']['alertmanager']['selector'] = None
- if 'alertbuffer' not in facts['prometheus']:
- facts['prometheus']['alertbuffer'] = {}
- # pylint: disable=line-too-long
- if 'selector' not in facts['prometheus']['alertbuffer'] or facts['prometheus']['alertbuffer']['selector'] in [None, 'None']:
- facts['prometheus']['alertbuffer']['selector'] = None
- return facts
def set_identity_providers_if_unset(facts):
""" Set identity_providers fact if not already present in facts dict
@@ -531,7 +458,6 @@ def set_url_facts_if_unset(facts):
etcd_urls = []
if etcd_hosts != '':
facts['master']['etcd_port'] = ports['etcd']
- facts['master']['embedded_etcd'] = False
for host in etcd_hosts:
etcd_urls.append(format_url(use_ssl['etcd'], host,
@@ -608,63 +534,9 @@ def set_aggregate_facts(facts):
return facts
-def set_etcd_facts_if_unset(facts):
- """
- If using embedded etcd, loads the data directory from master-config.yaml.
- If using standalone etcd, loads ETCD_DATA_DIR from etcd.conf.
- If anything goes wrong parsing these, the fact will not be set.
- """
- if 'master' in facts and safe_get_bool(facts['master']['embedded_etcd']):
- etcd_facts = facts['etcd'] if 'etcd' in facts else dict()
- if 'etcd_data_dir' not in etcd_facts:
- try:
- # Parse master config to find actual etcd data dir:
- master_cfg_path = os.path.join(facts['common']['config_base'],
- 'master/master-config.yaml')
- master_cfg_f = open(master_cfg_path, 'r')
- config = yaml.safe_load(
- master_cfg_f.close()
- etcd_facts['etcd_data_dir'] = \
- config['etcdConfig']['storageDirectory']
- facts['etcd'] = etcd_facts
- # We don't want exceptions bubbling up here:
- # pylint: disable=broad-except
- except Exception:
- pass
- else:
- etcd_facts = facts['etcd'] if 'etcd' in facts else dict()
- # Read ETCD_DATA_DIR from /etc/etcd/etcd.conf:
- try:
- # Add a fake section for parsing:
- ini_str = text_type('[root]\n' + open('/etc/etcd/etcd.conf', 'r').read(), 'utf-8')
- ini_fp = io.StringIO(ini_str)
- config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
- config.readfp(ini_fp)
- etcd_data_dir = config.get('root', 'ETCD_DATA_DIR')
- if etcd_data_dir.startswith('"') and etcd_data_dir.endswith('"'):
- etcd_data_dir = etcd_data_dir[1:-1]
- etcd_facts['etcd_data_dir'] = etcd_data_dir
- facts['etcd'] = etcd_facts
- # We don't want exceptions bubbling up here:
- # pylint: disable=broad-except
- except Exception:
- pass
- return facts
def set_deployment_facts_if_unset(facts):
""" Set Facts that vary based on deployment_type. This currently
- includes common.service_type, master.registry_url, node.registry_url,
+ includes master.registry_url, node.registry_url,
@@ -676,14 +548,6 @@ def set_deployment_facts_if_unset(facts):
# disabled to avoid breaking up facts related to deployment type into
# multiple methods for now.
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements, too-many-branches
- if 'common' in facts:
- deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type']
- if 'service_type' not in facts['common']:
- service_type = 'atomic-openshift'
- if deployment_type == 'origin':
- service_type = 'origin'
- facts['common']['service_type'] = service_type
for role in ('master', 'node'):
if role in facts:
deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type']
@@ -980,7 +844,7 @@ values provided as a list. Hence the gratuitous use of ['foo'] below.
# If we've added items to the kubelet_args dict then we need
# to merge the new items back into the main facts object.
if kubelet_args != {}:
- facts = merge_facts({'node': {'kubelet_args': kubelet_args}}, facts, [], [])
+ facts = merge_facts({'node': {'kubelet_args': kubelet_args}}, facts, [])
return facts
@@ -1002,7 +866,7 @@ def build_controller_args(facts):
controller_args['cloud-provider'] = ['gce']
controller_args['cloud-config'] = [cloud_cfg_path + '/gce.conf']
if controller_args != {}:
- facts = merge_facts({'master': {'controller_args': controller_args}}, facts, [], [])
+ facts = merge_facts({'master': {'controller_args': controller_args}}, facts, [])
return facts
@@ -1024,7 +888,7 @@ def build_api_server_args(facts):
api_server_args['cloud-provider'] = ['gce']
api_server_args['cloud-config'] = [cloud_cfg_path + '/gce.conf']
if api_server_args != {}:
- facts = merge_facts({'master': {'api_server_args': api_server_args}}, facts, [], [])
+ facts = merge_facts({'master': {'api_server_args': api_server_args}}, facts, [])
return facts
@@ -1147,8 +1011,13 @@ def get_container_openshift_version(facts):
If containerized, see if we can determine the installed version via the
systemd environment files.
+ deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type']
+ service_type_dict = {'origin': 'origin',
+ 'openshift-enterprise': 'atomic-openshift'}
+ service_type = service_type_dict[deployment_type]
for filename in ['/etc/sysconfig/%s-master-controllers', '/etc/sysconfig/%s-node']:
- env_path = filename % facts['common']['service_type']
+ env_path = filename % service_type
if not os.path.exists(env_path):
@@ -1211,7 +1080,7 @@ def apply_provider_facts(facts, provider_facts):
# Disabling pylint too many branches. This function needs refactored
# but is a very core part of openshift_facts.
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-nested-blocks
-def merge_facts(orig, new, additive_facts_to_overwrite, protected_facts_to_overwrite):
+def merge_facts(orig, new, additive_facts_to_overwrite):
""" Recursively merge facts dicts
@@ -1219,14 +1088,11 @@ def merge_facts(orig, new, additive_facts_to_overwrite, protected_facts_to_overw
new (dict): facts to update
additive_facts_to_overwrite (list): additive facts to overwrite in jinja
'.' notation ex: ['master.named_certificates']
- protected_facts_to_overwrite (list): protected facts to overwrite in jinja
- '.' notation ex: ['master.master_count']
dict: the merged facts
additive_facts = ['named_certificates']
- protected_facts = ['ha']
# Facts we do not ever want to merge. These originate in inventory variables
# and contain JSON dicts. We don't ever want to trigger a merge
@@ -1258,14 +1124,7 @@ def merge_facts(orig, new, additive_facts_to_overwrite, protected_facts_to_overw
if '.' in item and item.startswith(key + '.'):
- # Collect the subset of protected facts to overwrite
- # if key matches. These will be passed to the
- # subsequent merge_facts call.
- relevant_protected_facts = []
- for item in protected_facts_to_overwrite:
- if '.' in item and item.startswith(key + '.'):
- relevant_protected_facts.append(item)
- facts[key] = merge_facts(value, new[key], relevant_additive_facts, relevant_protected_facts)
+ facts[key] = merge_facts(value, new[key], relevant_additive_facts)
# Key matches an additive fact and we are not overwriting
# it so we will append the new value to the existing value.
elif key in additive_facts and key not in [x.split('.')[-1] for x in additive_facts_to_overwrite]:
@@ -1275,18 +1134,6 @@ def merge_facts(orig, new, additive_facts_to_overwrite, protected_facts_to_overw
if item not in new_fact:
facts[key] = new_fact
- # Key matches a protected fact and we are not overwriting
- # it so we will determine if it is okay to change this
- # fact.
- elif key in protected_facts and key not in [x.split('.')[-1] for x in protected_facts_to_overwrite]:
- # ha (bool) can not change unless it has been passed
- # as a protected fact to overwrite.
- if key == 'ha':
- if safe_get_bool(value) != safe_get_bool(new[key]):
- # pylint: disable=line-too-long
- module.fail_json(msg='openshift_facts received a different value for openshift.master.ha') # noqa: F405
- else:
- facts[key] = value
# No other condition has been met. Overwrite the old fact
# with the new value.
@@ -1559,7 +1406,6 @@ def set_container_facts_if_unset(facts):
facts['node']['ovs_system_image'] = ovs_image
if safe_get_bool(facts['common']['is_containerized']):
- facts['common']['admin_binary'] = '/usr/local/bin/oadm'
facts['common']['client_binary'] = '/usr/local/bin/oc'
return facts
@@ -1620,8 +1466,6 @@ class OpenShiftFacts(object):
local_facts (dict): local facts to set
additive_facts_to_overwrite (list): additive facts to overwrite in jinja
'.' notation ex: ['master.named_certificates']
- protected_facts_to_overwrite (list): protected facts to overwrite in jinja
- '.' notation ex: ['master.master_count']
@@ -1631,21 +1475,13 @@ class OpenShiftFacts(object):
- 'hosted',
- 'node',
- 'logging',
- 'loggingops',
- 'metrics',
- 'prometheus']
+ 'node']
# Disabling too-many-arguments, this should be cleaned up as a TODO item.
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,no-value-for-parameter
def __init__(self, role, filename, local_facts,
- additive_facts_to_overwrite=None,
- openshift_env=None,
- openshift_env_structures=None,
- protected_facts_to_overwrite=None):
+ additive_facts_to_overwrite=None):
self.changed = False
self.filename = filename
if role not in self.known_roles:
@@ -1667,34 +1503,23 @@ class OpenShiftFacts(object):
self.system_facts = get_all_facts(module)['ansible_facts'] # noqa: F405
self.facts = self.generate_facts(local_facts,
- additive_facts_to_overwrite,
- openshift_env,
- openshift_env_structures,
- protected_facts_to_overwrite)
+ additive_facts_to_overwrite)
def generate_facts(self,
- additive_facts_to_overwrite,
- openshift_env,
- openshift_env_structures,
- protected_facts_to_overwrite):
+ additive_facts_to_overwrite):
""" Generate facts
local_facts (dict): local_facts for overriding generated defaults
additive_facts_to_overwrite (list): additive facts to overwrite in jinja
'.' notation ex: ['master.named_certificates']
- openshift_env (dict): openshift_env facts for overriding generated defaults
- protected_facts_to_overwrite (list): protected facts to overwrite in jinja
- '.' notation ex: ['master.master_count']
dict: The generated facts
local_facts = self.init_local_facts(local_facts,
- additive_facts_to_overwrite,
- openshift_env,
- openshift_env_structures,
- protected_facts_to_overwrite)
+ additive_facts_to_overwrite)
roles = local_facts.keys()
if 'common' in local_facts and 'deployment_type' in local_facts['common']:
@@ -1712,12 +1537,10 @@ class OpenShiftFacts(object):
facts = apply_provider_facts(defaults, provider_facts)
facts = merge_facts(facts,
- additive_facts_to_overwrite,
- protected_facts_to_overwrite)
+ additive_facts_to_overwrite)
facts = migrate_oauth_template_facts(facts)
facts['current_config'] = get_current_config(facts)
facts = set_url_facts_if_unset(facts)
- facts = set_selectors(facts)
facts = set_identity_providers_if_unset(facts)
facts = set_deployment_facts_if_unset(facts)
facts = set_sdn_facts_if_unset(facts, self.system_facts)
@@ -1727,7 +1550,6 @@ class OpenShiftFacts(object):
facts = build_api_server_args(facts)
facts = set_version_facts_if_unset(facts)
facts = set_aggregate_facts(facts)
- facts = set_etcd_facts_if_unset(facts)
facts = set_proxy_facts(facts)
facts = set_builddefaults_facts(facts)
facts = set_buildoverrides_facts(facts)
@@ -1760,7 +1582,7 @@ class OpenShiftFacts(object):
- client_binary='oc', admin_binary='oadm',
+ client_binary='oc',
@@ -1772,7 +1594,7 @@ class OpenShiftFacts(object):
console_port='8443', etcd_use_ssl=True,
etcd_hosts='', etcd_port='4001',
- embedded_etcd=True, embedded_kube=True,
+ embedded_kube=True,
@@ -1793,178 +1615,6 @@ class OpenShiftFacts(object):
if 'cloudprovider' in roles:
defaults['cloudprovider'] = dict(kind=None)
- if 'hosted' in roles or self.role == 'hosted':
- defaults['hosted'] = dict(
- etcd=dict(
- storage=dict(
- kind=None,
- volume=dict(
- name='etcd',
- size='1Gi'
- ),
- nfs=dict(
- directory='/exports',
- options='*(rw,root_squash)'
- ),
- host=None,
- access=dict(
- modes=['ReadWriteOnce']
- ),
- create_pv=True,
- create_pvc=False
- )
- ),
- registry=dict(
- storage=dict(
- kind=None,
- volume=dict(
- name='registry',
- size='5Gi'
- ),
- nfs=dict(
- directory='/exports',
- options='*(rw,root_squash)'),
- glusterfs=dict(
- endpoints='glusterfs-registry-endpoints',
- path='glusterfs-registry-volume',
- ips=[],
- readOnly=False,
- swap=False,
- swapcopy=True),
- host=None,
- access=dict(
- modes=['ReadWriteMany']
- ),
- create_pv=True,
- create_pvc=True
- )
- ),
- router=dict()
- )
- defaults['logging'] = dict(
- storage=dict(
- kind=None,
- volume=dict(
- name='logging-es',
- size='10Gi'
- ),
- nfs=dict(
- directory='/exports',
- options='*(rw,root_squash)'
- ),
- host=None,
- access=dict(
- modes=['ReadWriteOnce']
- ),
- create_pv=True,
- create_pvc=False
- )
- )
- defaults['loggingops'] = dict(
- storage=dict(
- kind=None,
- volume=dict(
- name='logging-es-ops',
- size='10Gi'
- ),
- nfs=dict(
- directory='/exports',
- options='*(rw,root_squash)'
- ),
- host=None,
- access=dict(
- modes=['ReadWriteOnce']
- ),
- create_pv=True,
- create_pvc=False
- )
- )
- defaults['metrics'] = dict(
- deploy=False,
- duration=7,
- resolution='10s',
- storage=dict(
- kind=None,
- volume=dict(
- name='metrics',
- size='10Gi'
- ),
- nfs=dict(
- directory='/exports',
- options='*(rw,root_squash)'
- ),
- host=None,
- access=dict(
- modes=['ReadWriteOnce']
- ),
- create_pv=True,
- create_pvc=False
- )
- )
- defaults['prometheus'] = dict(
- storage=dict(
- kind=None,
- volume=dict(
- name='prometheus',
- size='10Gi'
- ),
- nfs=dict(
- directory='/exports',
- options='*(rw,root_squash)'
- ),
- host=None,
- access=dict(
- modes=['ReadWriteOnce']
- ),
- create_pv=True,
- create_pvc=False
- )
- )
- defaults['prometheus']['alertmanager'] = dict(
- storage=dict(
- kind=None,
- volume=dict(
- name='prometheus-alertmanager',
- size='10Gi'
- ),
- nfs=dict(
- directory='/exports',
- options='*(rw,root_squash)'
- ),
- host=None,
- access=dict(
- modes=['ReadWriteOnce']
- ),
- create_pv=True,
- create_pvc=False
- )
- )
- defaults['prometheus']['alertbuffer'] = dict(
- storage=dict(
- kind=None,
- volume=dict(
- name='prometheus-alertbuffer',
- size='10Gi'
- ),
- nfs=dict(
- directory='/exports',
- options='*(rw,root_squash)'
- ),
- host=None,
- access=dict(
- modes=['ReadWriteOnce']
- ),
- create_pv=True,
- create_pvc=False
- )
- )
return defaults
def guess_host_provider(self):
@@ -2037,65 +1687,17 @@ class OpenShiftFacts(object):
return provider_facts
- @staticmethod
- def split_openshift_env_fact_keys(openshift_env_fact, openshift_env_structures):
- """ Split openshift_env facts based on openshift_env structures.
- Args:
- openshift_env_fact (string): the openshift_env fact to split
- ex: 'openshift_cloudprovider_openstack_auth_url'
- openshift_env_structures (list): a list of structures to determine fact keys
- ex: ['openshift.cloudprovider.openstack.*']
- Returns:
- list: a list of keys that represent the fact
- ex: ['openshift', 'cloudprovider', 'openstack', 'auth_url']
- """
- # By default, we'll split an openshift_env fact by underscores.
- fact_keys = openshift_env_fact.split('_')
- # Determine if any of the provided variable structures match the fact.
- matching_structure = None
- if openshift_env_structures is not None:
- for structure in openshift_env_structures:
- if re.match(structure, openshift_env_fact):
- matching_structure = structure
- # Fact didn't match any variable structures so return the default fact keys.
- if matching_structure is None:
- return fact_keys
- final_keys = []
- structure_keys = matching_structure.split('.')
- for structure_key in structure_keys:
- # Matched current key. Add to final keys.
- if structure_key == fact_keys[structure_keys.index(structure_key)]:
- final_keys.append(structure_key)
- # Wildcard means we will be taking everything from here to the end of the fact.
- elif structure_key == '*':
- final_keys.append('_'.join(fact_keys[structure_keys.index(structure_key):]))
- # Shouldn't have gotten here, return the fact keys.
- else:
- return fact_keys
- return final_keys
# Disabling too-many-branches and too-many-locals.
# This should be cleaned up as a TODO item.
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-locals
def init_local_facts(self, facts=None,
- additive_facts_to_overwrite=None,
- openshift_env=None,
- openshift_env_structures=None,
- protected_facts_to_overwrite=None):
+ additive_facts_to_overwrite=None):
""" Initialize the local facts
facts (dict): local facts to set
additive_facts_to_overwrite (list): additive facts to overwrite in jinja
'.' notation ex: ['master.named_certificates']
- openshift_env (dict): openshift env facts to set
- protected_facts_to_overwrite (list): protected facts to overwrite in jinja
- '.' notation ex: ['master.master_count']
dict: The result of merging the provided facts with existing
local facts
@@ -2107,45 +1709,13 @@ class OpenShiftFacts(object):
if facts is not None:
facts_to_set[self.role] = facts
- if openshift_env != {} and openshift_env is not None:
- for fact, value in iteritems(openshift_env):
- oo_env_facts = dict()
- current_level = oo_env_facts
- keys = self.split_openshift_env_fact_keys(fact, openshift_env_structures)[1:]
- if len(keys) > 0 and keys[0] != self.role:
- continue
- # Build a dictionary from the split fact keys.
- # After this loop oo_env_facts is the resultant dictionary.
- # For example:
- # fact = "openshift_metrics_install_metrics"
- # value = 'true'
- # keys = ['metrics', 'install', 'metrics']
- # result = {'metrics': {'install': {'metrics': 'true'}}}
- for i, _ in enumerate(keys):
- # This is the last key. Set the value.
- if i == (len(keys) - 1):
- current_level[keys[i]] = value
- # This is a key other than the last key. Set as
- # dictionary and continue.
- else:
- current_level[keys[i]] = dict()
- current_level = current_level[keys[i]]
- facts_to_set = merge_facts(orig=facts_to_set,
- new=oo_env_facts,
- additive_facts_to_overwrite=[],
- protected_facts_to_overwrite=[])
local_facts = get_local_facts_from_file(self.filename)
migrated_facts = migrate_local_facts(local_facts)
new_local_facts = merge_facts(migrated_facts,
- additive_facts_to_overwrite,
- protected_facts_to_overwrite)
+ additive_facts_to_overwrite)
new_local_facts = self.remove_empty_facts(new_local_facts)
@@ -2253,9 +1823,6 @@ def main():
local_facts=dict(default=None, type='dict', required=False),
additive_facts_to_overwrite=dict(default=[], type='list', required=False),
- openshift_env=dict(default={}, type='dict', required=False),
- openshift_env_structures=dict(default=[], type='list', required=False),
- protected_facts_to_overwrite=dict(default=[], type='list', required=False)
@@ -2271,19 +1838,13 @@ def main():
role = module.params['role'] # noqa: F405
local_facts = module.params['local_facts'] # noqa: F405
additive_facts_to_overwrite = module.params['additive_facts_to_overwrite'] # noqa: F405
- openshift_env = module.params['openshift_env'] # noqa: F405
- openshift_env_structures = module.params['openshift_env_structures'] # noqa: F405
- protected_facts_to_overwrite = module.params['protected_facts_to_overwrite'] # noqa: F405
fact_file = '/etc/ansible/facts.d/openshift.fact'
openshift_facts = OpenShiftFacts(role,
- additive_facts_to_overwrite,
- openshift_env,
- openshift_env_structures,
- protected_facts_to_overwrite)
+ additive_facts_to_overwrite)
file_params = module.params.copy() # noqa: F405
file_params['path'] = fact_file