path: root/roles/openshift_logging_curator/templates/curator.j2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/openshift_logging_curator/templates/curator.j2')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/roles/openshift_logging_curator/templates/curator.j2 b/roles/openshift_logging_curator/templates/curator.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 8acff8141..000000000
--- a/roles/openshift_logging_curator/templates/curator.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-apiVersion: "v1"
-kind: "DeploymentConfig"
- name: "{{deploy_name}}"
- labels:
- provider: openshift
- component: "{{component}}"
- logging-infra: "{{logging_component}}"
- replicas: {{curator_replicas|default(1)}}
- selector:
- provider: openshift
- component: "{{component}}"
- logging-infra: "{{logging_component}}"
- strategy:
- rollingParams:
- intervalSeconds: 1
- timeoutSeconds: 600
- updatePeriodSeconds: 1
- type: Recreate
- template:
- metadata:
- name: "{{deploy_name}}"
- labels:
- logging-infra: "{{logging_component}}"
- provider: openshift
- component: "{{component}}"
- spec:
- terminationGracePeriod: 600
- serviceAccountName: aggregated-logging-curator
-{% if curator_node_selector is iterable and curator_node_selector | length > 0 %}
- nodeSelector:
-{% for key, value in curator_node_selector.items() %}
- {{key}}: "{{value}}"
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
- containers:
- -
- name: "curator"
- image: {{image}}
- imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
-{% if (curator_memory_limit is defined and curator_memory_limit is not none and curator_memory_limit != "") or (curator_cpu_limit is defined and curator_cpu_limit is not none and curator_cpu_limit != "") or (curator_cpu_request is defined and curator_cpu_request is not none and curator_cpu_request != "") %}
- resources:
-{% if (curator_memory_limit is defined and curator_memory_limit is not none and curator_memory_limit != "") or (curator_cpu_limit is defined and curator_cpu_limit is not none and curator_cpu_limit != "") %}
- limits:
-{% if curator_cpu_limit is defined and curator_cpu_limit is not none and curator_cpu_limit != "" %}
- cpu: "{{curator_cpu_limit}}"
-{% endif %}
-{% if curator_memory_limit is defined and curator_memory_limit is not none and curator_memory_limit != "" %}
- memory: "{{curator_memory_limit}}"
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if (curator_memory_limit is defined and curator_memory_limit is not none and curator_memory_limit != "") or (curator_cpu_request is defined and curator_cpu_request is not none and curator_cpu_request != "") %}
- requests:
-{% if curator_cpu_request is defined and curator_cpu_request is not none and curator_cpu_request != "" %}
- cpu: "{{curator_cpu_request}}"
-{% endif %}
-{% if curator_memory_limit is defined and curator_memory_limit is not none and curator_memory_limit != "" %}
- memory: "{{curator_memory_limit}}"
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
- env:
- -
- name: "K8S_HOST_URL"
- value: "{{openshift_logging_curator_master_url}}"
- -
- name: "ES_HOST"
- value: "{{es_host}}"
- -
- name: "ES_PORT"
- value: "{{es_port}}"
- -
- name: "ES_CLIENT_CERT"
- value: "/etc/curator/keys/cert"
- -
- name: "ES_CLIENT_KEY"
- value: "/etc/curator/keys/key"
- -
- name: "ES_CA"
- value: "/etc/curator/keys/ca"
- -
- value: "{{openshift_logging_curator_default_days}}"
- -
- value: "{{openshift_logging_curator_run_hour}}"
- -
- value: "{{openshift_logging_curator_run_minute}}"
- -
- value: "{{openshift_logging_curator_run_timezone}}"
- -
- value: "{{openshift_logging_curator_script_log_level}}"
- -
- value: "{{openshift_logging_curator_log_level}}"
- volumeMounts:
- - name: certs
- mountPath: /etc/curator/keys
- readOnly: true
- - name: config
- mountPath: /etc/curator/settings
- readOnly: true
- volumes:
- - name: certs
- secret:
- secretName: logging-curator
- - name: config
- configMap:
- name: logging-curator