path: root/roles/rhel_subscribe/tasks/main.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/rhel_subscribe/tasks/main.yml')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/roles/rhel_subscribe/tasks/main.yml b/roles/rhel_subscribe/tasks/main.yml
index 3466b7e44..e7eb6c572 100644
--- a/roles/rhel_subscribe/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/rhel_subscribe/tasks/main.yml
@@ -1,68 +1,48 @@
-# TODO: Enhance redhat_subscription module
-# to make it able to attach to a pool
-# to make it able to enable repositories
- fail:
msg: "This role is only supported for Red Hat hosts"
when: ansible_distribution != 'RedHat'
-- fail:
- msg: The rhsub_user variable is required for this role.
- when: rhsub_user is not defined or not rhsub_user
-- fail:
- msg: The rhsub_pass variable is required for this role.
- when: rhsub_pass is not defined or not rhsub_pass
-- name: Detecting Atomic Host Operating System
- stat:
- path: /run/ostree-booted
- register: ostree_booted
-- name: Satellite preparation
- command: "rpm -Uvh http://{{ rhsub_server }}/pub/katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm"
- args:
- creates: /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem
- when: rhsub_server is defined and rhsub_server
- name: Install Red Hat Subscription manager
name: subscription-manager
state: present
register: result
- until: result | success
+ until: result is succeeded
+- name: Is host already registered?
+ command: "subscription-manager version"
+ register: rh_subscribed
+ changed_when: False
-- name: RedHat subscriptions
+- name: Register host
username: "{{ rhsub_user }}"
password: "{{ rhsub_pass }}"
register: rh_subscription
- until: rh_subscription | succeeded
+ until: rh_subscription is succeeded
+ when:
+ - "'not registered' in rh_subscribed.stdout"
-- name: Retrieve the OpenShift Pool ID
- command: subscription-manager list --available --matches="{{ rhsub_pool }}" --pool-only
- register: openshift_pool_id
- until: openshift_pool_id | succeeded
- changed_when: False
+- fail:
+ msg: 'Unable to register host with Red Hat Subscription Manager'
+ when:
+ - "'not registered' in rh_subscribed.stdout"
+ - rh_subscription.failed
- name: Determine if OpenShift Pool Already Attached
- command: subscription-manager list --consumed --matches="{{ rhsub_pool }}" --pool-only
+ command: "subscription-manager list --consumed --pool-only --matches '*OpenShift*'"
register: openshift_pool_attached
- until: openshift_pool_attached | succeeded
changed_when: False
- when: openshift_pool_id.stdout == ''
-- fail:
- msg: "Unable to find pool matching {{ rhsub_pool }} in available or consumed pools"
- when: openshift_pool_id.stdout == '' and openshift_pool_attached is defined and openshift_pool_attached.stdout == ''
+ ignore_errors: yes
- name: Attach to OpenShift Pool
- command: subscription-manager attach --pool {{ openshift_pool_id.stdout_lines[0] }}
- register: subscribe_pool
- until: subscribe_pool | succeeded
- when: openshift_pool_id.stdout != ''
+ command: "subscription-manager attach --pool {{ rhsub_pool }}"
+ register: openshift_pool_attached
+ changed_when: "'Successfully attached a subscription' in openshift_pool_attached.stdout"
+ when: rhsub_pool not in openshift_pool_attached.stdout
-- include_tasks: enterprise.yml
+- include_tasks: satellite.yml
- - not ostree_booted.stat.exists | bool
+ - rhsub_server is defined
+ - rhsub_server