path: root/callback_plugins
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Start requiring Ansible 2.4Russell Teague2017-11-091-1/+1
* Remove override callback pluginRussell Teague2017-09-221-70/+0
* Bump ansible requirement to 2.3Scott Dodson2017-09-051-1/+1
* Bump ansible rpm dependency to Dodson2017-04-251-18/+2
* Update the failure methods and add required variables/functionsTim Bielawa2017-03-201-3/+29
* Import the default ansible output callback on_failed methodsTim Bielawa2017-03-201-0/+57
* Add logic to verify patched version of AnsibleRussell Teague2017-02-021-4/+9
* Fail on Ansible version Teague2017-01-311-1/+12
* Change wording in the quick installer callback pluginTim Bielawa2017-01-051-3/+4
* python3 support, add tox for better local testing against multiple python ver...Jason DeTiberus2016-12-201-19/+2
* Resolved lint issuesRussell Teague2016-12-091-5/+19
* Minimum Ansible version checkRussell Teague2016-12-081-0/+46
* update tests and flake8/pylint fixesJason DeTiberus2016-11-291-2/+3
* Override __init__ in default callback to avoid infinite loop.Andrew Butcher2016-10-191-0/+3
* Fix missing play assignment in a-o-i callback pluginTim Bielawa2016-10-121-1/+3
* Add messages to let the user know if some plays were skipped, but it's ok. Al...Tim Bielawa2016-09-291-0/+40
* 'fix' unittests by removing the users ability to specify an ansible configTim Bielawa2016-09-291-14/+23
* Copy and paste more methodsTim Bielawa2016-09-291-7/+93
* Silence/dot-print more actions in the callbackTim Bielawa2016-09-291-5/+46
* Fix conflicts in spec fileTim Bielawa2016-09-291-0/+115
* make the improved log formatter work with ansible 2.1Rich Megginson2016-08-081-1/+7
* Beautiful -v output from ansiblejpic2016-07-271-0/+60