#Deployment Types This module supports OpenShift Origin and OpenShift Enterprise Each deployment type sets various defaults used throughout your environment. The table below outlines the defaults per `deployment_type`. | deployment_type | origin | enterprise (< 3.1) | openshift-enterprise (>= 3.1) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------|----------------------------------| | **openshift.common.service_type** (also used for package names) | origin | openshift | | | **openshift.common.config_base** | /etc/origin | /etc/openshift | /etc/origin | | **openshift.common.data_dir** | /var/lib/origin | /var/lib/openshift | /var/lib/origin | | **openshift.master.registry_url openshift.node.registry_url** | openshift/origin-${component}:${version} | openshift3/ose-${component}:${version} | aos3/aos-${component}:${version} | | **Image Streams** | centos | rhel + xpaas | rhel | **NOTE** `enterprise` deployment type is used for OpenShift Enterprise version 3.0.x OpenShift Enterprise deployments utilizing version 3.1 and later will make use of the new `openshift-enterprise` deployment type. Additional work to migrate between the two will be forthcoming.