# multi ec2 inventory configs # cache_location: ~/.ansible/tmp/multi_inventory.cache accounts: - name: aws1 provider: aws/ec2.py provider_files: - name: ec2.ini content: |- [ec2] regions = all regions_exclude = us-gov-west-1,cn-north-1 destination_variable = public_dns_name route53 = False cache_path = ~/.ansible/tmp cache_max_age = 300 vpc_destination_variable = ip_address env_vars: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX EC2_INI_PATH: ${tmpdir}/ec2.ini # we replace ${tmpdir} with the temporary directory that we've created for the provider. extra_vars: cloud: aws account: aws1 - name: mygce extra_vars: cloud: gce account: gce1 env_vars: GCE_INI_PATH: ${tmpdir}/gce.ini # we replace ${tmpdir} with the temporary directory that we've created for the provider. provider: gce/gce.py provider_files: - name: priv_key.pem contents: |- -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- yourprivatekeydatahere -----END PRIVATE KEY----- - name: gce.ini contents: |- [gce] gce_service_account_email_address = @developer.gserviceaccount.com gce_service_account_pem_file_path = ${tmpdir}/priv_key.pem # we replace ${tmpdir} with the temporary directory that we've created for the provider. gce_project_id = gce-project zone = us-central1-a network = default gce_machine_type = n1-standard-2 gce_machine_image = rhel7 cache_max_age: 600