# Prerequisites When seeking to deploy a working openshift cluster using these plays, a few items must be in place. These are: 1) vpc 2) security group to build the AMI in. 3) ssh keys to log into instances These items can be provisioned ahead of time, or you can utilize the plays here to create these items. If you wish to provision these items yourself, or you already have these items provisioned and wish to utilize existing components, please refer to provisioning_vars.yml.example. If you wish to have these items created for you, continue with this document. # Running prerequisites.yml Warning: Running these plays will provision items in your AWS account (if not present), and you may incur billing charges. These plays are not suitable for the free-tier. ## Step 1: Ensure you have specified all the necessary provisioning variables. See provisioning_vars.example.yml and README.md for more information. ## Step 2: ``` $ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml prerequisites.yml -e @provisioning_vars.yml ``` This will create a VPC, security group, and ssh_key. These plays are idempotent, and multiple runs should result in no additional provisioning of these components. You can also verify that you will successfully utilize existing components with these plays.