--- - name: Create initial host groups for localhost hosts: localhost connection: local become: no gather_facts: no tags: - always tasks: - include_vars: ../../byo/openshift-cluster/cluster_hosts.yml - name: Evaluate group l_oo_all_hosts add_host: name: "{{ item }}" groups: l_oo_all_hosts with_items: "{{ g_all_hosts | default([]) }}" changed_when: False - name: Install and configure NetworkManager hosts: l_oo_all_hosts become: yes tasks: - name: install NetworkManager package: name: 'NetworkManager' state: present - name: configure NetworkManager lineinfile: dest: "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{{ ansible_default_ipv4['interface'] }}" regexp: '^{{ item }}=' line: '{{ item }}=yes' state: present create: yes with_items: - 'USE_PEERDNS' - 'NM_CONTROLLED' - name: enable and start NetworkManager service: name: 'NetworkManager' state: started enabled: yes