--- ############################################################################### # Post upgrade - Upgrade default router, default registry and examples ############################################################################### - name: Upgrade default router and default registry hosts: oo_first_master vars: registry_image: "{{ openshift.master.registry_url | replace( '${component}', 'docker-registry' ) | replace ( '${version}', openshift_image_tag ) }}" router_image: "{{ openshift.master.registry_url | replace( '${component}', 'haproxy-router' ) | replace ( '${version}', openshift_image_tag ) }}" registry_console_image: "{{ openshift.master.registry_url | regex_replace ( '(origin|ose)-\\${component}', 'registry-console') | replace ( '${version}', 'v' ~ openshift.common.short_version ) }}" pre_tasks: - name: Load lib_openshift modules import_role: name: lib_openshift - name: Collect all routers oc_obj: state: list kind: pods all_namespaces: True selector: 'router' register: all_routers - set_fact: haproxy_routers: "{{ all_routers.results.results[0]['items'] | oo_pods_match_component(openshift_deployment_type, 'haproxy-router') | oo_select_keys_from_list(['metadata']) }}" when: - all_routers.results.returncode == 0 - set_fact: haproxy_routers=[] when: - all_routers.results.returncode != 0 - name: Update router image to current version oc_edit: kind: dc name: "{{ item['labels']['deploymentconfig'] }}" namespace: "{{ item['namespace'] }}" content: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image: "{{ router_image }}" with_items: "{{ haproxy_routers }}" when: - all_routers.results.returncode == 0 - name: Check for default registry oc_obj: state: list kind: dc name: docker-registry register: _default_registry - name: Update registry image to current version oc_edit: kind: dc name: docker-registry namespace: default content: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image: "{{ registry_image }}" when: - _default_registry.results.results[0] != {} - name: Check for registry-console oc_obj: state: list kind: dc name: registry-console register: _registry_console when: - openshift.common.deployment_type != 'origin' - name: Update registry-console image to current version oc_edit: kind: dc name: registry-console namespace: default content: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image: "{{ registry_console_image }}" when: - openshift.common.deployment_type != 'origin' - _registry_console.results.results[0] != {} roles: - openshift_manageiq - role: openshift_project_request_template when: openshift_project_request_template_manage # Create the new templates shipped in 3.2, existing templates are left # unmodified. This prevents the subsequent role definition for # openshift_examples from failing when trying to replace templates that do # not already exist. We could have potentially done a replace --force to # create and update in one step. - role: openshift_examples when: openshift_install_examples | default(true) | bool - openshift_hosted_templates # Update the existing templates - role: openshift_examples when: openshift_install_examples | default(true) | bool registry_url: "{{ openshift.master.registry_url }}" openshift_examples_import_command: replace - role: openshift_hosted_templates registry_url: "{{ openshift.master.registry_url }}" openshift_hosted_templates_import_command: replace # Check for warnings to be printed at the end of the upgrade: - name: Clean up and display warnings hosts: oo_masters_to_config tags: - always gather_facts: no roles: - role: openshift_excluder r_openshift_excluder_action: enable post_tasks: # Check if any masters are using pluginOrderOverride and warn if so, only for 1.3/3.3 and beyond: - name: grep pluginOrderOverride command: grep pluginOrderOverride {{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/master-config.yaml register: grep_plugin_order_override changed_when: false failed_when: false - name: Warn if pluginOrderOverride is in use in master-config.yaml debug: msg: "WARNING pluginOrderOverride is being deprecated in master-config.yaml, please see https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/architecture/additional_concepts/admission_controllers.html for more information." when: - not (grep_plugin_order_override is skipped) - grep_plugin_order_override.rc == 0 - name: Warn if shared-resource-viewer could not be updated debug: msg: "WARNING the shared-resource-viewer role could not be upgraded to 3.6 spec because it's marked protected, please see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1493213" when: - __shared_resource_viewer_protected | default(false)