# OpenStack Provisioning This directory contains [Ansible][ansible] playbooks and roles to create OpenStack resources (servers, networking, volumes, security groups, etc.). The result is an environment ready for OpenShift installation via [openshift-ansible]. We provide everything necessary to be able to install OpenShift on OpenStack (including the load balancer servers when necessary). In addition, we work on providing integration with the OpenStack-native services (storage, lbaas, baremetal as a service, dns, etc.). ## OpenStack Requirements Before you start the installation, you need to have an OpenStack environment to connect to. You can use a public cloud or an OpenStack within your organisation. It is also possible to use [Devstack][devstack] or [TripleO][tripleo]. In the case of TripleO, we will be running on top of the **overcloud**. The OpenStack release must be Newton (for Red Hat OpenStack this is version 10) or newer. It must also satisfy these requirements: * Heat (Orchestration) must be available * The deployment image (CentOS 7.4 or RHEL 7) must be loaded * The deployment flavor must be available to your user - `m1.medium` / 4GB RAM + 40GB disk should be enough for testing - look at the [Minimum Hardware Requirements page][hardware-requirements] for production * The keypair for SSH must be available in openstack * `keystonerc` file that lets you talk to the openstack services * NOTE: only Keystone V2 is currently supported Optional: * External Neutron network with a floating IP address pool ## Installation There are four main parts to the installation: 1. [Preparing Ansible and dependencies](#1-preparing-ansible-and-dependencies) 2. [Configuring the desired OpenStack environment and OpenShift cluster](#2-configuring-the-openstack-environment-and-openshift-cluster) 3. [Creating the OpenStack Resources and Installing OpenShift](#3-creating-the-openstack-resources-and-installing-openshift) This guide is going to install [OpenShift Origin][origin] with [CentOS 7][centos7] images with minimal customisation. We will create the VMs for running OpenShift, in a new Neutron network and assign Floating IP addresses. The OpenShift cluster will have a single Master node that will run `etcd`, a single Infra node and two App nodes. You can look at the [Advanced Configuration page][advanced-configuration] for additional options. ### 1. Preparing Ansible and dependencies First, you need to select where to run [Ansible][ansible] from (the *Ansible host*). This can be the computer you read this guide on or an OpenStack VM you'll create specifically for this purpose. We will use a [Docker image that has all the dependencies installed][control-host-image] to make things easier. If you don't want to use Docker, take a look at the [Ansible host dependencies][ansible-dependencies] and make sure they're installed. Your *Ansible host* needs to have the following: 1. Docker 2. `keystonerc` file with your OpenStack credentials 3. SSH private key for logging in to your OpenShift nodes Assuming your private key is `~/.ssh/id_rsa` and `keystonerc` in your current directory: ```bash $ sudo docker run -it -v ~/.ssh:/mnt/.ssh:Z \ -v $PWD/keystonerc:/root/.config/openstack/keystonerc.sh:Z \ redhatcop/control-host-openstack bash ``` This will create the container, add your SSH key and source your `keystonerc`. It should be set up for the installation. You can verify that everything is in order: ```bash $ less .ssh/id_rsa $ ansible --version $ openstack image list ``` ### 2. Configuring the OpenStack Environment and OpenShift Cluster The configuration is all done in an Ansible inventory directory. We will clone the [openshift-ansible][openshift-ansible] repository and set things up for a minimal installation. ``` $ git clone https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible $ cp -r openshift-ansible/playbooks/openstack/sample-inventory/ inventory ``` If you're testing multiple configurations, you can have multiple inventories and switch between them. #### OpenStack Configuration The OpenStack configuration is in `inventory/group_vars/all.yml`. Open the file and plug in the image, flavor and network configuration corresponding to your OpenStack installation. ```bash $ vi inventory/group_vars/all.yml ``` 1. Set the `openshift_openstack_keypair_name` to your OpenStack keypair name. - See `openstack keypair list` to find the keypairs registered with OpenShift. - This must correspond to your private SSH key in `~/.ssh/id_rsa` 2. Set the `openshift_openstack_external_network_name` to the floating IP network of your openstack. - See `openstack network list` for the list of networks. - It's often called `public`, `external` or `ext-net`. 3. Set the `openshift_openstack_default_image_name` to the image you want your OpenShift VMs to run. - See `openstack image list` for the list of available images. 4. Set the `openshift_openstack_default_flavor` to the flavor you want your OpenShift VMs to use. - See `openstack flavor list` for the list of available flavors. #### OpenShift configuration The OpenShift configuration is in `inventory/group_vars/OSEv3.yml`. The default options will mostly work, but unless you used the large flavors for a production-ready environment, openshift-ansible's hardware check will fail. Let's disable those checks by putting this in `inventory/group_vars/OSEv3.yml`: ```yaml openshift_disable_check: disk_availability,memory_availability ``` **NOTE**: The default authentication method will allow **any username and password** in! If you're running this in a public place, you need to set up access control. Feel free to look at the [Sample OpenShift Inventory][sample-openshift-inventory] and the [advanced configuration][advanced-configuration]. ### 3. Creating the OpenStack Resources and Installing OpenShift We provide an `ansible.cfg` file which has some useful defaults -- you should copy it to the directory you're going to run `ansible-playbook` from. ```bash $ cp openshift-ansible/ansible.cfg ansible.cfg ``` Then run the provision + install playbook -- this will create the OpenStack resources: ```bash $ ansible-playbook --user openshift \ -i openshift-ansible/playbooks/openstack/inventory.py -i inventory \ openshift-ansible/playbooks/openstack/openshift-cluster/provision_install.yml ``` In addition to *your* inventory with your OpenShift and OpenStack configuration, we are also supplying the [dynamic inventory][dynamic] from `openshift-ansible/inventory`. It's a script that will look at the Nova servers and other resources that will be created and let Ansible know about them. If you're using multiple inventories, make sure you pass the path to the right one to `-i`. If your SSH private key is not in `~/.ssh/id_rsa` use the `--private-key` option to specify the correct path. ### Next Steps And that's it! You should have a small but functional OpenShift cluster now. Take a look at [how to access the cluster][accessing-openshift] and [how to remove it][uninstall-openshift] as well as the more advanced configuration: * [Accessing the OpenShift cluster][accessing-openshift] * [Removing the OpenShift cluster][uninstall-openshift] * Set Up Authentication (TODO) * [Multiple Masters with a load balancer][loadbalancer] * [External Dns][external-dns] * Multiple Clusters (TODO) * [Cinder Registry][cinder-registry] [ansible]: https://www.ansible.com/ [openshift-ansible]: https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible [devstack]: https://docs.openstack.org/devstack/ [tripleo]: http://tripleo.org/ [ansible-dependencies]: ./advanced-configuration.md#dependencies-for-localhost-ansible-controladmin-node [control-host-image]: https://hub.docker.com/r/redhatcop/control-host-openstack/ [hardware-requirements]: https://docs.openshift.org/latest/install_config/install/prerequisites.html#hardware [origin]: https://www.openshift.org/ [centos7]: https://www.centos.org/ [sample-openshift-inventory]: https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/blob/master/inventory/hosts.example [advanced-configuration]: ./advanced-configuration.md [accessing-openshift]: ./advanced-configuration.md#accessing-the-openshift-cluster [uninstall-openshift]: ./advanced-configuration.md#removing-the-openshift-cluster [loadbalancer]: ./advanced-configuration.md#multi-master-configuration [external-dns]: ./advanced-configuration.md#dns-configuration-variables [cinder-registry]: ./advanced-configuration.md#creating-and-using-a-cinder-volume-for-the-openshift-registry [dynamic]: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/intro_dynamic_inventory.html