--- - name: Calico Master | Assure the calico certs have been generated stat: path: "{{ item }}" with_items: - "{{ calico_etcd_ca_cert_file }}" - "{{ calico_etcd_cert_file }}" - "{{ calico_etcd_key_file }}" - name: Calico Master | Create temp directory for policy controller definition command: mktemp -d /tmp/openshift-ansible-XXXXXXX register: mktemp changed_when: False - name: Calico Master | Write Calico Policy Controller definition template: dest: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/calico-policy-controller.yml" src: calico-policy-controller.yml.j2 - name: Calico Master | Launch Calico Policy Controller command: > {{ openshift_client_binary }} create -f {{ mktemp.stdout }}/calico-policy-controller.yml --config={{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/admin.kubeconfig register: calico_create_output failed_when: "('already exists' not in calico_create_output.stderr) and ('created' not in calico_create_output.stdout) and calico_create_output.rc != 0" changed_when: ('created' in calico_create_output.stdout) - name: Calico Master | Delete temp directory file: name: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}" state: absent changed_when: False - name: Calico Master | oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:kube-system:calico oc_adm_policy_user: user: system:serviceaccount:kube-system:calico resource_kind: scc resource_name: privileged state: present - name: Download Calicoctl become: yes get_url: url: "{{ calico_url_calicoctl }}" dest: "{{ calicoctl_bin_dir }}" mode: a+x