--- - name: Contiv | Wait for netmaster command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" tenant ls' register: tenant_result until: tenant_result.stdout.find("default") != -1 retries: 9 delay: 10 - name: Contiv | Set globals command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" global set --fabric-mode {{ contiv_fabric_mode }} --vlan-range {{ contiv_vlan_range }} --fwd-mode {{ netplugin_fwd_mode }} --private-subnet {{ contiv_private_ext_subnet }}' run_once: true - name: Contiv | Set arp mode to flood if ACI command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" global set --arp-mode flood' when: contiv_fabric_mode == "aci" run_once: true - name: Contiv | Check if default-net exists command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" net ls' register: net_result run_once: true - name: Contiv | Create default-net command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" net create --subnet={{ contiv_default_subnet }} -e {{ contiv_encap_mode }} -p {{ contiv_default_network_tag }} --gateway {{ contiv_default_gw }} default-net' when: net_result.stdout.find("default-net") == -1 run_once: true - name: Contiv | Create host access infra network for VxLan routing case command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" net create --subnet={{ contiv_h1_subnet_default }} --gateway={{ contiv_h1_gw_default }} --nw-type="infra" contivh1' when: (contiv_encap_mode == "vxlan") and (netplugin_fwd_mode == "routing") run_once: true #- name: Contiv | Create an allow-all policy for the default-group # command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" policy create ose-allow-all-policy' # when: contiv_fabric_mode == "aci" # run_once: true - name: Contiv | Set up aci external contract to consume default external contract command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" external-contracts create -c -a {{ apic_default_external_contract }} oseExtToConsume' when: (contiv_fabric_mode == "aci") and (apic_configure_default_policy == true) run_once: true - name: Contiv | Set up aci external contract to provide default external contract command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" external-contracts create -p -a {{ apic_default_external_contract }} oseExtToProvide' when: (contiv_fabric_mode == "aci") and (apic_configure_default_policy == true) run_once: true - name: Contiv | Create aci default-group command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" group create default-net default-group' when: contiv_fabric_mode == "aci" run_once: true - name: Contiv | Add external contracts to the default-group command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" group create -e oseExtToConsume -e oseExtToProvide default-net default-group' when: (contiv_fabric_mode == "aci") and (apic_configure_default_policy == true) run_once: true #- name: Contiv | Add policy rule 1 for allow-all policy # command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" policy rule-add -d in --action allow ose-allow-all-policy 1' # when: contiv_fabric_mode == "aci" # run_once: true #- name: Contiv | Add policy rule 2 for allow-all policy # command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" policy rule-add -d out --action allow ose-allow-all-policy 2' # when: contiv_fabric_mode == "aci" # run_once: true - name: Contiv | Create default aci app profile command: 'netctl --netmaster "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ netmaster_port }}" app-profile create -g default-group {{ apic_default_app_profile }}' when: contiv_fabric_mode == "aci" run_once: true