# pylint: skip-file # flake8: noqa class RegistryException(Exception): ''' Registry Exception Class ''' pass class RegistryConfig(OpenShiftCLIConfig): ''' RegistryConfig is a DTO for the registry. ''' def __init__(self, rname, namespace, kubeconfig, registry_options): super(RegistryConfig, self).__init__(rname, namespace, kubeconfig, registry_options) class Registry(OpenShiftCLI): ''' Class to wrap the oc command line tools ''' volume_mount_path = 'spec.template.spec.containers[0].volumeMounts' volume_path = 'spec.template.spec.volumes' env_path = 'spec.template.spec.containers[0].env' def __init__(self, registry_config, verbose=False): ''' Constructor for Registry a registry consists of 3 or more parts - dc/docker-registry - svc/docker-registry Parameters: :registry_config: :verbose: ''' super(Registry, self).__init__(registry_config.namespace, registry_config.kubeconfig, verbose) self.version = OCVersion(registry_config.kubeconfig, verbose) self.svc_ip = None self.portal_ip = None self.config = registry_config self.verbose = verbose self.registry_parts = [{'kind': 'dc', 'name': self.config.name}, {'kind': 'svc', 'name': self.config.name}, ] self.__prepared_registry = None self.volume_mounts = [] self.volumes = [] if self.config.config_options['volume_mounts']['value']: for volume in self.config.config_options['volume_mounts']['value']: volume_info = {'secret_name': volume.get('secret_name', None), 'name': volume.get('name', None), 'type': volume.get('type', None), 'path': volume.get('path', None), 'claimName': volume.get('claim_name', None), 'claimSize': volume.get('claim_size', None), } vol, vol_mount = Volume.create_volume_structure(volume_info) self.volumes.append(vol) self.volume_mounts.append(vol_mount) self.dconfig = None self.svc = None @property def deploymentconfig(self): ''' deploymentconfig property ''' return self.dconfig @deploymentconfig.setter def deploymentconfig(self, config): ''' setter for deploymentconfig property ''' self.dconfig = config @property def service(self): ''' service property ''' return self.svc @service.setter def service(self, config): ''' setter for service property ''' self.svc = config @property def prepared_registry(self): ''' prepared_registry property ''' if not self.__prepared_registry: results = self.prepare_registry() if not results or ('returncode' in results and results['returncode'] != 0): raise RegistryException('Could not perform registry preparation. {}'.format(results)) self.__prepared_registry = results return self.__prepared_registry @prepared_registry.setter def prepared_registry(self, data): ''' setter method for prepared_registry attribute ''' self.__prepared_registry = data def get(self): ''' return the self.registry_parts ''' self.deploymentconfig = None self.service = None rval = 0 for part in self.registry_parts: result = self._get(part['kind'], name=part['name']) if result['returncode'] == 0 and part['kind'] == 'dc': self.deploymentconfig = DeploymentConfig(result['results'][0]) elif result['returncode'] == 0 and part['kind'] == 'svc': self.service = Service(result['results'][0]) if result['returncode'] != 0: rval = result['returncode'] return {'returncode': rval, 'deploymentconfig': self.deploymentconfig, 'service': self.service} def exists(self): '''does the object exist?''' if self.deploymentconfig and self.service: return True return False def delete(self, complete=True): '''return all pods ''' parts = [] for part in self.registry_parts: if not complete and part['kind'] == 'svc': continue parts.append(self._delete(part['kind'], part['name'])) # Clean up returned results rval = 0 for part in parts: # pylint: disable=invalid-sequence-index if 'returncode' in part and part['returncode'] != 0: rval = part['returncode'] return {'returncode': rval, 'results': parts} def prepare_registry(self): ''' prepare a registry for instantiation ''' options = self.config.to_option_list(ascommalist='labels') cmd = ['registry'] cmd.extend(options) cmd.extend(['--dry-run=True', '-o', 'json']) results = self.openshift_cmd(cmd, oadm=True, output=True, output_type='json') # probably need to parse this # pylint thinks results is a string # pylint: disable=no-member if results['returncode'] != 0 and 'items' not in results['results']: raise RegistryException('Could not perform registry preparation. {}'.format(results)) service = None deploymentconfig = None # pylint: disable=invalid-sequence-index for res in results['results']['items']: if res['kind'] == 'DeploymentConfig': deploymentconfig = DeploymentConfig(res) elif res['kind'] == 'Service': service = Service(res) # Verify we got a service and a deploymentconfig if not service or not deploymentconfig: return results # results will need to get parsed here and modifications added deploymentconfig = DeploymentConfig(self.add_modifications(deploymentconfig)) # modify service ip if self.svc_ip: service.put('spec.clusterIP', self.svc_ip) if self.portal_ip: service.put('spec.portalIP', self.portal_ip) # the dry-run doesn't apply the selector correctly if self.service: service.put('spec.selector', self.service.get_selector()) # need to create the service and the deploymentconfig service_file = Utils.create_tmp_file_from_contents('service', service.yaml_dict) deployment_file = Utils.create_tmp_file_from_contents('deploymentconfig', deploymentconfig.yaml_dict) return {"service": service, "service_file": service_file, "service_update": False, "deployment": deploymentconfig, "deployment_file": deployment_file, "deployment_update": False} def create(self): '''Create a registry''' results = [] self.needs_update() # if the object is none, then we need to create it # if the object needs an update, then we should call replace # Handle the deploymentconfig if self.deploymentconfig is None: results.append(self._create(self.prepared_registry['deployment_file'])) elif self.prepared_registry['deployment_update']: results.append(self._replace(self.prepared_registry['deployment_file'])) # Handle the service if self.service is None: results.append(self._create(self.prepared_registry['service_file'])) elif self.prepared_registry['service_update']: results.append(self._replace(self.prepared_registry['service_file'])) # Clean up returned results rval = 0 for result in results: # pylint: disable=invalid-sequence-index if 'returncode' in result and result['returncode'] != 0: rval = result['returncode'] return {'returncode': rval, 'results': results} def update(self): '''run update for the registry. This performs a replace if required''' # Store the current service IP if self.service: svcip = self.service.get('spec.clusterIP') if svcip: self.svc_ip = svcip portip = self.service.get('spec.portalIP') if portip: self.portal_ip = portip results = [] if self.prepared_registry['deployment_update']: results.append(self._replace(self.prepared_registry['deployment_file'])) if self.prepared_registry['service_update']: results.append(self._replace(self.prepared_registry['service_file'])) # Clean up returned results rval = 0 for result in results: if result['returncode'] != 0: rval = result['returncode'] return {'returncode': rval, 'results': results} def add_modifications(self, deploymentconfig): ''' update a deployment config with changes ''' # The environment variable for REGISTRY_HTTP_SECRET is autogenerated # We should set the generated deploymentconfig to the in memory version # the following modifications will overwrite if needed if self.deploymentconfig: result = self.deploymentconfig.get_env_var('REGISTRY_HTTP_SECRET') if result: deploymentconfig.update_env_var('REGISTRY_HTTP_SECRET', result['value']) # Currently we know that our deployment of a registry requires a few extra modifications # Modification 1 # we need specific environment variables to be set for key, value in self.config.config_options['env_vars'].get('value', {}).items(): if not deploymentconfig.exists_env_key(key): deploymentconfig.add_env_value(key, value) else: deploymentconfig.update_env_var(key, value) # Modification 2 # we need specific volume variables to be set for volume in self.volumes: deploymentconfig.update_volume(volume) for vol_mount in self.volume_mounts: deploymentconfig.update_volume_mount(vol_mount) # Modification 3 # Edits edit_results = [] for edit in self.config.config_options['edits'].get('value', []): if edit['action'] == 'put': edit_results.append(deploymentconfig.put(edit['key'], edit['value'])) if edit['action'] == 'update': edit_results.append(deploymentconfig.update(edit['key'], edit['value'], edit.get('index', None), edit.get('curr_value', None))) if edit['action'] == 'append': edit_results.append(deploymentconfig.append(edit['key'], edit['value'])) if edit_results and not any([res[0] for res in edit_results]): return None return deploymentconfig.yaml_dict def needs_update(self): ''' check to see if we need to update ''' exclude_list = ['clusterIP', 'portalIP', 'type', 'protocol'] if self.service is None or \ not Utils.check_def_equal(self.prepared_registry['service'].yaml_dict, self.service.yaml_dict, exclude_list, debug=self.verbose): self.prepared_registry['service_update'] = True exclude_list = ['dnsPolicy', 'terminationGracePeriodSeconds', 'restartPolicy', 'timeoutSeconds', 'livenessProbe', 'readinessProbe', 'terminationMessagePath', 'securityContext', 'imagePullPolicy', 'protocol', # ports.portocol: TCP 'type', # strategy: {'type': 'rolling'} 'defaultMode', # added on secrets 'activeDeadlineSeconds', # added in 1.5 for timeouts ] if self.deploymentconfig is None or \ not Utils.check_def_equal(self.prepared_registry['deployment'].yaml_dict, self.deploymentconfig.yaml_dict, exclude_list, debug=self.verbose): self.prepared_registry['deployment_update'] = True return self.prepared_registry['deployment_update'] or self.prepared_registry['service_update'] or False # In the future, we would like to break out each ansible state into a function. # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-return-statements @staticmethod def run_ansible(params, check_mode): '''run idempotent ansible code''' registry_options = {'images': {'value': params['images'], 'include': True}, 'latest_images': {'value': params['latest_images'], 'include': True}, 'labels': {'value': params['labels'], 'include': True}, 'ports': {'value': ','.join(params['ports']), 'include': True}, 'replicas': {'value': params['replicas'], 'include': True}, 'selector': {'value': params['selector'], 'include': True}, 'service_account': {'value': params['service_account'], 'include': True}, 'mount_host': {'value': params['mount_host'], 'include': True}, 'env_vars': {'value': params['env_vars'], 'include': False}, 'volume_mounts': {'value': params['volume_mounts'], 'include': False}, 'edits': {'value': params['edits'], 'include': False}, 'tls_key': {'value': params['tls_key'], 'include': True}, 'tls_certificate': {'value': params['tls_certificate'], 'include': True}, } # Do not always pass the daemonset and enforce-quota parameters because they are not understood # by old versions of oc. # Default value is false. So, it's safe to not pass an explicit false value to oc versions which # understand these parameters. if params['daemonset']: registry_options['daemonset'] = {'value': params['daemonset'], 'include': True} if params['enforce_quota']: registry_options['enforce_quota'] = {'value': params['enforce_quota'], 'include': True} rconfig = RegistryConfig(params['name'], params['namespace'], params['kubeconfig'], registry_options) ocregistry = Registry(rconfig, params['debug']) api_rval = ocregistry.get() state = params['state'] ######## # get ######## if state == 'list': if api_rval['returncode'] != 0: return {'failed': True, 'msg': api_rval} return {'changed': False, 'results': api_rval, 'state': state} ######## # Delete ######## if state == 'absent': if not ocregistry.exists(): return {'changed': False, 'state': state} if check_mode: return {'changed': True, 'msg': 'CHECK_MODE: Would have performed a delete.'} # Unsure as to why this is angry with the return type. # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type api_rval = ocregistry.delete() if api_rval['returncode'] != 0: return {'failed': True, 'msg': api_rval} return {'changed': True, 'results': api_rval, 'state': state} if state == 'present': ######## # Create ######## if not ocregistry.exists(): if check_mode: return {'changed': True, 'msg': 'CHECK_MODE: Would have performed a create.'} api_rval = ocregistry.create() if api_rval['returncode'] != 0: return {'failed': True, 'msg': api_rval} return {'changed': True, 'results': api_rval, 'state': state} ######## # Update ######## if not params['force'] and not ocregistry.needs_update(): return {'changed': False, 'state': state} if check_mode: return {'changed': True, 'msg': 'CHECK_MODE: Would have performed an update.'} api_rval = ocregistry.update() if api_rval['returncode'] != 0: return {'failed': True, 'msg': api_rval} return {'changed': True, 'results': api_rval, 'state': state} return {'failed': True, 'msg': 'Unknown state passed. %s' % state}