--- - name: Create a directory to hold the certificates file: path="{{ nuage_plugin_rest_client_crt_dir }}" state=directory delegate_to: "{{ nuage_ca_master }}" - name: Create the key command: > openssl genrsa -out "{{ nuage_ca_master_plugin_key }}" 4096 delegate_to: "{{ nuage_ca_master }}" - name: Create the req file command: > openssl req -key "{{ nuage_ca_master_plugin_key }}" -new -out "{{ nuage_plugin_rest_client_crt_dir }}/restClient.req" -subj "/CN=nuage-client" delegate_to: "{{ nuage_ca_master }}" - name: Generate the crt file command: > openssl x509 -req -in "{{ nuage_plugin_rest_client_crt_dir }}/restClient.req" -CA "{{ nuage_ca_crt }}" -CAkey "{{ nuage_ca_key }}" -CAserial "{{ nuage_ca_serial }}" -out "{{ nuage_ca_master_plugin_crt }}" -extensions clientauth -extfile "{{ nuage_ca_dir }}"/openssl.cnf delegate_to: "{{ nuage_ca_master }}" - name: Remove the req file file: path="{{ nuage_plugin_rest_client_crt_dir }}/restClient.req" state=absent delegate_to: "{{ nuage_ca_master }}" - name: Copy nuage CA crt shell: cp "{{ nuage_ca_crt }}" "{{ nuage_plugin_rest_client_crt_dir }}" delegate_to: "{{ nuage_ca_master }}" - name: Archive the certificate dir shell: "cd {{ nuage_plugin_rest_client_crt_dir }} && tar -czvf /tmp/{{ ansible_nodename }}.tgz *" delegate_to: "{{ nuage_ca_master }}" - name: Create a temp directory for the certificates local_action: command mktemp -d "/tmp/openshift-{{ ansible_nodename }}-XXXXXXX" register: mktemp - name: Download the certificates fetch: src="/tmp/{{ ansible_nodename }}.tgz" dest="{{ mktemp.stdout }}/{{ ansible_nodename }}.tgz" flat=yes delegate_to: "{{ nuage_ca_master }}" - name: Extract the certificates unarchive: src="{{ mktemp.stdout }}/{{ ansible_nodename }}.tgz" dest={{ nuage_plugin_crt_dir }} - name: Delete the certificates after copy file: path="{{ nuage_plugin_rest_client_crt_dir }}" state=absent delegate_to: "{{ nuage_ca_master }}" - name: Delete the temp directory file: path="{{ mktemp.stdout }}" state=absent delegate_to: "{{ nuage_ca_master }}"