--- - fail: msg: "{{ item }} needs to be defined" when: item is not defined with_items: - openshift_aws_ami_copy_src_ami - openshift_aws_ami_copy_name - name: Create IAM KMS key with alias oo_iam_kms: state: present alias: "{{ openshift_aws_iam_kms_alias }}" region: "{{ openshift_aws_region }}" register: created_kms - debug: var=created_kms.results - name: "Create copied AMI image and wait: {{ openshift_aws_ami_copy_wait }}" ec2_ami_copy: name: "{{ openshift_aws_ami_copy_name }}" region: "{{ openshift_aws_region }}" source_region: "{{ openshift_aws_ami_copy_src_region }}" source_image_id: "{{ openshift_aws_ami_copy_src_ami }}" encrypted: "{{ openshift_aws_ami_encrypt | bool }}" kms_key_id: "{{ created_kms.results.KeyArn | default(omit) }}" wait: "{{ openshift_aws_ami_copy_wait | default(omit) }}" tags: "{{ openshift_aws_ami_tags }}" register: copy_result - debug: var=copy_result - name: return AMI ID with setfact set_fact: openshift_aws_ami_copy_custom_ami: "{{ copy_result.image_id }}"