--- - name: fetch the subnet to use in scale group ec2_vpc_subnet_facts: region: "{{ openshift_aws_region }}" filters: "tag:Name": "{{ openshift_aws_subnet_name }}" vpc-id: "{{ vpcout.vpcs[0].id }}" register: subnetout - name: Create the scale group ec2_asg: name: "{{ openshift_aws_scale_group_basename }} {{ item.key }}" launch_config_name: "{{ openshift_aws_launch_config_basename }}-{{ item.key }}-{{ l_epoch_time }}" health_check_period: "{{ item.value.health_check.period }}" health_check_type: "{{ item.value.health_check.type }}" min_size: "{{ item.value.min_size }}" max_size: "{{ item.value.max_size }}" desired_capacity: "{{ item.value.desired_size }}" region: "{{ openshift_aws_region }}" termination_policies: "{{ item.value.termination_policy if 'termination_policy' in item.value else omit }}" load_balancers: "{{ item.value.elbs if 'elbs' in item.value else omit }}" wait_for_instances: "{{ item.value.wait_for_instances | default(False)}}" vpc_zone_identifier: "{{ subnetout.subnets[0].id }}" replace_instances: "{{ openshift_aws_node_group_replace_instances if openshift_aws_node_group_replace_instances != [] else omit }}" replace_all_instances: "{{ omit if openshift_aws_node_group_replace_instances != [] else (item.value.replace_all_instances | default(omit)) }}" tags: - "{{ openshift_aws_node_group_config_tags | combine(item.value.tags) }}" with_dict: "{{ l_nodes_to_build }}"