--- - name: Alert user to variables needed - clusterid debug: msg: "openshift_aws_clusterid={{ openshift_aws_clusterid }}" - name: Alert user to variables needed - region debug: msg: "openshift_aws_region={{ openshift_aws_region }}" - name: fetch newly created instances ec2_remote_facts: region: "{{ openshift_aws_region }}" filters: "tag:clusterid": "{{ openshift_aws_clusterid }}" "tag:host-type": master instance-state-name: running register: instancesout retries: 20 delay: 3 until: instancesout.instances|length > 0 - name: add new master to masters group add_host: groups: "masters,etcd,nodes" name: "{{ item.public_dns_name }}" hostname: "{{ openshift_aws_clusterid }}-master-{{ item.id[:-5] }}" with_items: "{{ instancesout.instances }}" - name: wait for ssh to become available wait_for: port: 22 host: "{{ item.public_dns_name }}" timeout: 300 search_regex: OpenSSH with_items: "{{ instancesout.instances }}"