OpenShift Certificate Expiration Checker ======================================== OpenShift certificate expiration checking. Be warned of certificates expiring within a configurable window of days, and notified of certificates which have already expired. Certificates examined include: * Master/Node Service Certificates * Router/Registry Service Certificates from etcd secrets * Master/Node/Router/Registry/Admin `kubeconfig`s * Etcd certificates Requirements ------------ * None Role Variables -------------- Core variables in this role: | Name | Default value | Description | |--------------------------|--------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | `config_base` | `/etc/origin` | Base openshift config directory | | `warning_days` | `30` | Flag certificates which will expire in this many days from now | | `show_all` | `no` | Include healthy (non-expired and non-warning) certificates in results | Optional report/result saving variables in this role: | Name | Default value | Description | |--------------------------|--------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | `generate_html_report` | `no` | Generate an HTML report of the expiry check results | | `html_report_path` | `/tmp/cert-expiry-report.html` | The full path to save the HTML report as | | `save_json_results` | `no` | Save expiry check results as a json file | | `json_results_path` | `/tmp/cert-expiry-report.json` | The full path to save the json report as | Dependencies ------------ * None Example Playbook ---------------- Default behavior: ```yaml --- - name: Check cert expirys hosts: all become: yes gather_facts: no roles: - role: openshift_certificate_expiry ``` Generate HTML and JSON artifacts in their default paths: ```yaml --- - name: Check cert expirys hosts: all become: yes gather_facts: no vars: generate_html_report: yes save_json_results: yes roles: - role: openshift_certificate_expiry ``` Change the expiration warning window to 1500 days (good for testing the module out) ```yaml --- - name: Check cert expirys hosts: all become: yes gather_facts: no vars: warning_days: 1500 roles: - role: openshift_certificate_expiry ``` Example JSON Output ------------------- Example is abbreviated to save space: ```json { "": { "etcd": [ { "cert_cn": "CN:etcd-signer@1474563722", "days_remaining": 350, "expiry": "2017-09-22 17:02:25", "health": "warning", "path": "/etc/etcd/ca.crt" }, ], "kubeconfigs": [ { "cert_cn": "O:system:nodes,", "days_remaining": 715, "expiry": "2018-09-22 17:08:57", "health": "warning", "path": "/etc/origin/node/" }, { "cert_cn": "O:system:cluster-admins, CN:system:admin", "days_remaining": 715, "expiry": "2018-09-22 17:04:40", "health": "warning", "path": "/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig" } ], "meta": { "checked_at_time": "2016-10-07 15:26:47.608192", "show_all": "True", "warn_after_date": "2020-11-15 15:26:47.608192", "warning_days": 1500 }, "ocp_certs": [ { "cert_cn": "CN:, DNS:kubernetes, DNS:kubernetes.default, DNS:kubernetes.default.svc, DNS:kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local,, DNS:openshift, DNS:openshift.default, DNS:openshift.default.svc, DNS:openshift.default.svc.cluster.local, DNS:, DNS:, IP Address:, IP Address:", "days_remaining": 715, "expiry": "2018-09-22 17:04:39", "health": "warning", "path": "/etc/origin/master/master.server.crt" }, { "cert_cn": "CN:openshift-signer@1474563878", "days_remaining": 1810, "expiry": "2021-09-21 17:04:38", "health": "ok", "path": "/etc/origin/node/ca.crt" } ], "registry": [ { "cert_cn": "CN:, DNS:docker-registry-default.router.default.svc.cluster.local, DNS:docker-registry.default.svc.cluster.local, DNS:, IP Address:", "days_remaining": 728, "expiry": "2018-10-05 18:54:29", "health": "warning", "path": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/registry-certificates" } ], "router": [ { "cert_cn": "CN:router.default.svc, DNS:router.default.svc, DNS:router.default.svc.cluster.local", "days_remaining": 715, "expiry": "2018-09-22 17:48:23", "health": "warning", "path": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/router-certs" } ] } } ``` License ------- Apache License, Version 2.0 Author Information ------------------ Tim Bielawa (