Openshift cluster autoscaler ================================ Install the cluster autoscaler Requirements ------------ * One or more Master servers * A cloud provider that supports the cluster-autoscaler Role Variables -------------- Check defaults/main.yml Dependencies ------------ Example Playbook ---------------- #!/usr/bin/ansible-playbook ``` --- - hosts: masters gather_facts: no remote_user: root tasks: - name: include role autoscaler include_role: name: openshift_cluster_autoscaler vars: openshift_clusterid: opstest openshift_cluster_autoscaler_aws_key: openshift_cluster_autoscaler_aws_secret_key: ``` Notes ----- This is currently experimental software. This role allows users to install the cluster-autoscaler and the necessary authorization pieces that allow the autoscaler to function. This feature requires cloud provider credentials or a serviceaccount that has access to scale up/down nodes within the scaling groups. License ------- Apache License, Version 2.0 Author Information ------------------ Openshift