# OpenShift health checks This Ansible role contains health checks to diagnose problems in OpenShift environments. Checks are typically implemented as two parts: 1. a Python module in [openshift_checks/](openshift_checks), with a class that inherits from `OpenShiftCheck`. 2. a custom Ansible module in [library/](library), for cases when the modules shipped with Ansible do not provide the required functionality. The checks are called from Ansible playbooks via the `openshift_health_check` action plugin. See [playbooks/byo/openshift-preflight/check.yml](../../playbooks/byo/openshift-preflight/check.yml) for an example. The action plugin dynamically discovers all checks and executes only those selected in the play. Checks can determine when they are active by implementing the method `is_active`. Inactive checks are skipped. This is similar to the `when` instruction in Ansible plays. Checks may have tags, which are a way to group related checks together. For instance, to run all preflight checks, pass in the group `'@preflight'` to `openshift_health_check`. Groups are automatically computed from tags. Groups and individual check names can be used together in the argument list to `openshift_health_check`. Look at existing checks for the implementation details.