"""Check that recommended memory is available.""" from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck MIB = 2**20 GIB = 2**30 class MemoryAvailability(OpenShiftCheck): """Check that recommended memory is available.""" name = "memory_availability" tags = ["preflight"] # Values taken from the official installation documentation: # https://docs.openshift.org/latest/install_config/install/prerequisites.html#system-requirements recommended_memory_bytes = { "masters": 16 * GIB, "nodes": 8 * GIB, "etcd": 8 * GIB, } # https://access.redhat.com/solutions/3006511 physical RAM is partly reserved from memtotal memtotal_adjustment = 1 * GIB def is_active(self): """Skip hosts that do not have recommended memory requirements.""" group_names = self.get_var("group_names", default=[]) has_memory_recommendation = bool(set(group_names).intersection(self.recommended_memory_bytes)) return super(MemoryAvailability, self).is_active() and has_memory_recommendation def run(self): group_names = self.get_var("group_names") total_memory_bytes = self.get_var("ansible_memtotal_mb") * MIB recommended_min = max(self.recommended_memory_bytes.get(name, 0) for name in group_names) configured_min = float(self.get_var("openshift_check_min_host_memory_gb", default=0)) * GIB min_memory_bytes = configured_min or recommended_min if total_memory_bytes + self.memtotal_adjustment < min_memory_bytes: return { 'failed': True, 'msg': ( 'Available memory ({available:.1f} GiB) is too far ' 'below recommended value ({recommended:.1f} GiB)' ).format( available=float(total_memory_bytes) / GIB, recommended=float(min_memory_bytes) / GIB, ), } return {}