import pytest import json from openshift_checks.logging.fluentd import Fluentd, OpenShiftCheckExceptionList, OpenShiftCheckException def assert_error_in_list(expect_err, errorlist): assert any( == expect_err for err in errorlist), "{} in {}".format(str(expect_err), str(errorlist)) fluentd_pod_node1 = { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "fluentd", "deploymentconfig": "logging-fluentd"}, "name": "logging-fluentd-1", }, "spec": {"host": "node1", "nodeName": "node1"}, "status": { "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}], "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}], } } fluentd_pod_node2_down = { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "fluentd", "deploymentconfig": "logging-fluentd"}, "name": "logging-fluentd-2", }, "spec": {"host": "node2", "nodeName": "node2"}, "status": { "containerStatuses": [{"ready": False}], "conditions": [{"status": "False", "type": "Ready"}], } } fluentd_node1 = { "metadata": { "labels": {"logging-infra-fluentd": "true", "": "node1"}, "name": "node1", }, "status": {"addresses": [{"type": "InternalIP", "address": ""}]}, } fluentd_node2 = { "metadata": { "labels": {"logging-infra-fluentd": "true", "": "hostname"}, "name": "node2", }, "status": {"addresses": [{"type": "InternalIP", "address": ""}]}, } fluentd_node3_unlabeled = { "metadata": { "labels": {"": "hostname"}, "name": "node3", }, "status": {"addresses": [{"type": "InternalIP", "address": ""}]}, } def test_get_fluentd_pods(): check = Fluentd() check.exec_oc = lambda *_: json.dumps(dict(items=[fluentd_node1])) check.get_pods_for_component = lambda *_: [fluentd_pod_node1] assert not @pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, nodes, expect_error', [ ( [], [], 'NoNodesDefined', ), ( [], [fluentd_node3_unlabeled], 'NoNodesLabeled', ), ( [], [fluentd_node1, fluentd_node3_unlabeled], 'NodesUnlabeled', ), ( [], [fluentd_node2], 'MissingFluentdPod', ), ( [fluentd_pod_node1, fluentd_pod_node1], [fluentd_node1], 'TooManyFluentdPods', ), ( [fluentd_pod_node2_down], [fluentd_node2], 'FluentdNotRunning', ), ]) def test_get_fluentd_pods_errors(pods, nodes, expect_error): check = Fluentd() check.exec_oc = lambda *_: json.dumps(dict(items=nodes)) with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo: check.check_fluentd(pods) if isinstance(excinfo.value, OpenShiftCheckExceptionList): assert_error_in_list(expect_error, excinfo.value) else: assert expect_error == def test_bad_oc_node_list(): check = Fluentd() check.exec_oc = lambda *_: "this isn't even json" with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo: check.get_nodes_by_name() assert 'BadOcNodeList' ==