--- # Disable external communication for {{ _cluster_component }} - name: Disable external communication for logging-{{ _cluster_component }} oc_service: state: present name: "logging-{{ _cluster_component }}" namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_elasticsearch_namespace }}" selector: component: "{{ _cluster_component }}" provider: openshift connection: blocked labels: logging-infra: 'support' ports: - port: 9200 targetPort: "restapi" when: - full_restart_cluster | bool ## get all pods for the cluster - command: > oc get pod -l component={{ _cluster_component }},provider=openshift -n {{ openshift_logging_elasticsearch_namespace }} -o jsonpath={.items[?(@.status.phase==\"Running\")].metadata.name} register: _cluster_pods - name: "Disable shard balancing for logging-{{ _cluster_component }} cluster" command: > oc exec {{ _cluster_pods.stdout.split(' ')[0] }} -c elasticsearch -n {{ openshift_logging_elasticsearch_namespace }} -- {{ __es_local_curl }} -XPUT 'https://localhost:9200/_cluster/settings' -d '{ "transient": { "cluster.routing.allocation.enable" : "none" } }' register: _disable_output changed_when: "'\"acknowledged\":true' in _disable_output.stdout" when: _cluster_pods.stdout_lines | count > 0 # Flush ES - name: "Flushing for logging-{{ _cluster_component }} cluster" command: > oc exec {{ _cluster_pods.stdout.split(' ')[0] }} -c elasticsearch -n {{ openshift_logging_elasticsearch_namespace }} -- {{ __es_local_curl }} -XPUT 'https://localhost:9200/_flush/synced' register: _flush_output changed_when: "'\"acknowledged\":true' in _flush_output.stdout" when: - _cluster_pods.stdout_lines | count > 0 - full_restart_cluster | bool - command: > oc get dc -l component={{ _cluster_component }},provider=openshift -n {{ openshift_logging_elasticsearch_namespace }} -o jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.name} register: _cluster_dcs ## restart all dcs for full restart - name: "Restart ES node {{ _es_node }}" include_tasks: restart_es_node.yml with_items: "{{ _cluster_dcs }}" loop_control: loop_var: _es_node when: - full_restart_cluster | bool ## restart the node if it's dc is in the list of nodes to restart? - name: "Restart ES node {{ _es_node }}" include_tasks: restart_es_node.yml with_items: "{{ _restart_logging_nodes }}" loop_control: loop_var: _es_node when: - not full_restart_cluster | bool - _es_node in _cluster_dcs.stdout ## we may need a new first pod to run against -- fetch them all again - command: > oc get pod -l component={{ _cluster_component }},provider=openshift -n {{ openshift_logging_elasticsearch_namespace }} -o jsonpath={.items[?(@.status.phase==\"Running\")].metadata.name} register: _cluster_pods - name: "Enable shard balancing for logging-{{ _cluster_component }} cluster" command: > oc exec {{ _cluster_pods.stdout.split(' ')[0] }} -c elasticsearch -n {{ openshift_logging_elasticsearch_namespace }} -- {{ __es_local_curl }} -XPUT 'https://localhost:9200/_cluster/settings' -d '{ "transient": { "cluster.routing.allocation.enable" : "all" } }' register: _enable_output changed_when: "'\"acknowledged\":true' in _enable_output.stdout" # Reenable external communication for {{ _cluster_component }} - name: Reenable external communication for logging-{{ _cluster_component }} oc_service: state: present name: "logging-{{ _cluster_component }}" namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_elasticsearch_namespace }}" selector: component: "{{ _cluster_component }}" provider: openshift labels: logging-infra: 'support' ports: - port: 9200 targetPort: "restapi" when: - full_restart_cluster | bool