--- - fail: msg: The ES_COPY feature is no longer supported. Please remove the variable from your inventory when: openshift_logging_fluentd_es_copy is defined - fail: msg: Only one Fluentd nodeselector key pair should be provided when: openshift_logging_fluentd_nodeselector.keys() | count > 1 - fail: msg: Application logs destination is required when: not openshift_logging_fluentd_app_host or openshift_logging_fluentd_app_host == '' - fail: msg: Operations logs destination is required when: not openshift_logging_fluentd_ops_host or openshift_logging_fluentd_ops_host == '' - fail: msg: Invalid deployment type, one of ['hosted', 'secure-aggregator', 'secure-host'] allowed when: not openshift_logging_fluentd_deployment_type in __allowed_fluentd_types - debug: msg: openshift_logging_fluentd_use_journal is deprecated. Fluentd will automatically detect which logging driver is being used. when: openshift_logging_fluentd_use_journal is defined - debug: msg: openshift_hosted_logging_use_journal is deprecated. Fluentd will automatically detect which logging driver is being used. when: openshift_hosted_logging_use_journal is defined - fail: msg: Invalid openshift_logging_mux_client_mode [{{ openshift_logging_mux_client_mode }}], one of {{ __allowed_mux_client_modes }} allowed when: openshift_logging_mux_client_mode is defined and not openshift_logging_mux_client_mode in __allowed_mux_client_modes - debug: msg: WARNING Use of openshift_logging_mux_client_mode=minimal is not recommended due to current scaling issues when: openshift_logging_mux_client_mode is defined and openshift_logging_mux_client_mode == 'minimal' - name: Set default image variables based on openshift_deployment_type include_vars: "{{ var_file_name }}" with_first_found: - "{{ openshift_deployment_type }}.yml" - "default_images.yml" loop_control: loop_var: var_file_name - name: Set fluentd image facts set_fact: openshift_logging_fluentd_image_prefix: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_image_prefix | default(__openshift_logging_fluentd_image_prefix) }}" openshift_logging_fluentd_image_version: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_image_version | default(__openshift_logging_fluentd_image_version) }}" - include_tasks: determine_version.yaml # allow passing in a tempdir - name: Create temp directory for doing work in command: mktemp -d /tmp/openshift-logging-ansible-XXXXXX register: mktemp changed_when: False - set_fact: tempdir: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}" - name: Create templates subdirectory file: state: directory path: "{{ tempdir }}/templates" mode: 0755 changed_when: False # we want to make sure we have all the necessary components here # create service account - name: Create Fluentd service account oc_serviceaccount: state: present name: "aggregated-logging-fluentd" namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_namespace }}" image_pull_secrets: "{{ openshift_logging_image_pull_secret }}" when: openshift_logging_image_pull_secret != '' - name: Create Fluentd service account oc_serviceaccount: state: present name: "aggregated-logging-fluentd" namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_namespace }}" when: - openshift_logging_image_pull_secret == '' # set service account scc - name: Set privileged permissions for Fluentd oc_adm_policy_user: namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_namespace }}" resource_kind: scc resource_name: privileged state: present user: "system:serviceaccount:{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_namespace }}:aggregated-logging-fluentd" # set service account permissions - name: Set cluster-reader permissions for Fluentd oc_adm_policy_user: namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_namespace }}" resource_kind: cluster-role resource_name: cluster-reader state: present user: "system:serviceaccount:{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_namespace }}:aggregated-logging-fluentd" # create Fluentd configmap - template: src: "{{ __base_file_dir }}/fluent.conf.j2" dest: "{{ tempdir }}/fluent.conf" vars: deploy_type: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_deployment_type }}" - copy: src: "{{ __base_file_dir }}/fluentd-throttle-config.yaml" dest: "{{ tempdir }}/fluentd-throttle-config.yaml" - copy: src: "{{ __base_file_dir }}/secure-forward.conf" dest: "{{ tempdir }}/secure-forward.conf" - import_role: name: openshift_logging tasks_from: patch_configmap_files.yaml vars: configmap_name: "logging-fluentd" configmap_namespace: "logging" configmap_file_names: - current_file: "fluent.conf" new_file: "{{ tempdir }}/fluent.conf" - current_file: "throttle-config.yaml" new_file: "{{ tempdir }}/fluentd-throttle-config.yaml" - current_file: "secure-forward.conf" new_file: "{{ tempdir }}/secure-forward.conf" - name: Set Fluentd configmap oc_configmap: state: present name: "logging-fluentd" namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_namespace }}" from_file: fluent.conf: "{{ tempdir }}/fluent.conf" throttle-config.yaml: "{{ tempdir }}/fluentd-throttle-config.yaml" secure-forward.conf: "{{ tempdir }}/secure-forward.conf" # create Fluentd secret # TODO: add aggregation secrets if necessary - name: Set logging-fluentd secret oc_secret: state: present name: logging-fluentd namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_namespace }}" files: - name: ca path: "{{ generated_certs_dir }}/ca.crt" - name: key path: "{{ generated_certs_dir }}/system.logging.fluentd.key" - name: cert path: "{{ generated_certs_dir }}/system.logging.fluentd.crt" # create Fluentd daemonset # this should change based on the type of fluentd deployment to be done... # TODO: pass in aggregation configurations - name: Generate logging-fluentd daemonset definition template: src: "{{ __base_file_dir }}/fluentd.j2" dest: "{{ tempdir }}/templates/logging-fluentd.yaml" vars: daemonset_name: logging-fluentd daemonset_component: fluentd daemonset_container_name: fluentd-elasticsearch daemonset_serviceAccount: aggregated-logging-fluentd app_host: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_app_host }}" app_port: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_app_port }}" ops_host: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_ops_host }}" ops_port: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_ops_port }}" fluentd_nodeselector_key: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_nodeselector.keys() | first }}" fluentd_nodeselector_value: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_nodeselector.values() | first }}" fluentd_cpu_limit: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_cpu_limit }}" fluentd_cpu_request: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_cpu_request | min_cpu(openshift_logging_fluentd_cpu_limit | default(none)) }}" fluentd_memory_limit: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_memory_limit }}" audit_container_engine: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_audit_container_engine | default(False) | bool }}" audit_log_file: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_audit_file | default() }}" audit_pos_log_file: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_audit_pos_file | default() }}" check_mode: no changed_when: no - name: Set logging-fluentd daemonset oc_obj: state: present name: logging-fluentd namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_namespace }}" kind: daemonset files: - "{{ tempdir }}/templates/logging-fluentd.yaml" delete_after: true # Scale up Fluentd - name: Retrieve list of Fluentd hosts oc_obj: state: list kind: node when: "'--all' in openshift_logging_fluentd_hosts" register: fluentd_hosts - name: Set openshift_logging_fluentd_hosts set_fact: openshift_logging_fluentd_hosts: "{{ fluentd_hosts.results.results[0]['items'] | map(attribute='metadata.name') | list }}" when: "'--all' in openshift_logging_fluentd_hosts" - include_tasks: label_and_wait.yaml vars: node: "{{ fluentd_host }}" with_items: "{{ openshift_logging_fluentd_hosts }}" loop_control: loop_var: fluentd_host - name: Delete temp directory file: name: "{{ tempdir }}" state: absent changed_when: False