apiVersion: "v1" kind: "DeploymentConfig" metadata: name: "{{deploy_name}}" labels: provider: openshift component: "{{component}}" logging-infra: "{{logging_component}}" spec: replicas: {{mux_replicas|default(1)}} selector: provider: openshift component: "{{component}}" logging-infra: "{{logging_component}}" strategy: rollingParams: intervalSeconds: 1 timeoutSeconds: 600 updatePeriodSeconds: 1 type: Rolling template: metadata: name: "{{deploy_name}}" labels: logging-infra: "{{logging_component}}" provider: openshift component: "{{component}}" spec: serviceAccountName: aggregated-logging-mux {% if mux_node_selector is iterable and mux_node_selector | length > 0 %} nodeSelector: {% for key, value in mux_node_selector.items() %} {{key}}: "{{value}}" {% endfor %} {% endif %} containers: - name: "mux" image: {{image}} imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent {% if (mux_memory_limit is defined and mux_memory_limit is not none) or (mux_cpu_limit is defined and mux_cpu_limit is not none) or (mux_cpu_request is defined and mux_cpu_request is not none) %} resources: {% if (mux_memory_limit is defined and mux_memory_limit is not none) or (mux_cpu_limit is defined and mux_cpu_limit is not none) %} limits: {% if mux_cpu_limit is not none %} cpu: "{{mux_cpu_limit}}" {% endif %} {% if mux_memory_limit is not none %} memory: "{{mux_memory_limit}}" {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if (mux_memory_limit is defined and mux_memory_limit is not none) or (mux_cpu_request is defined and mux_cpu_request is not none) %} requests: {% if mux_cpu_request is not none %} cpu: "{{mux_cpu_request}}" {% endif %} {% if mux_memory_limit is not none %} memory: "{{mux_memory_limit}}" {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} ports: - containerPort: {{ openshift_logging_mux_port }} name: mux-forward volumeMounts: - name: config mountPath: /etc/fluent/configs.d/user readOnly: true - name: certs mountPath: /etc/fluent/keys readOnly: true - name: dockerhostname mountPath: /etc/docker-hostname readOnly: true - name: localtime mountPath: /etc/localtime readOnly: true - name: muxcerts mountPath: /etc/fluent/muxkeys readOnly: true - name: filebufferstorage mountPath: /var/lib/fluentd env: - name: "K8S_HOST_URL" value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_master_url}}" - name: "ES_HOST" value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_app_host}}" - name: "ES_PORT" value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_app_port}}" - name: "ES_CLIENT_CERT" value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_app_client_cert}}" - name: "ES_CLIENT_KEY" value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_app_client_key}}" - name: "ES_CA" value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_app_ca}}" - name: "OPS_HOST" value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_ops_host}}" - name: "OPS_PORT" value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_ops_port}}" - name: "OPS_CLIENT_CERT" value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_ops_client_cert}}" - name: "OPS_CLIENT_KEY" value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_ops_client_key}}" - name: "OPS_CA" value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_ops_ca}}" - name: "JOURNAL_SOURCE" value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_journal_source | default('')}}" - name: "JOURNAL_READ_FROM_HEAD" value: "{{openshift_logging_mux_journal_read_from_head|lower}}" - name: FORWARD_LISTEN_HOST value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_hostname }}" - name: FORWARD_LISTEN_PORT value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_port }}" - name: USE_MUX value: "true" - name: "BUFFER_QUEUE_LIMIT" value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_buffer_queue_limit }}" - name: "BUFFER_SIZE_LIMIT" value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_buffer_size_limit }}" - name: "MUX_CPU_LIMIT" valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: "mux" resource: limits.cpu - name: "MUX_MEMORY_LIMIT" valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: "mux" resource: limits.memory - name: "FILE_BUFFER_LIMIT" value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_file_buffer_limit | default('2Gi') }}" {% if openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog is defined and openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog %} - name: USE_REMOTE_SYSLOG value: "true" {% endif %} {% if openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_host is defined %} - name: REMOTE_SYSLOG_HOST value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_host }}" {% endif %} {% if openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_port is defined %} - name: REMOTE_SYSLOG_PORT value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_port }}" {% endif %} {% if openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_severity is defined %} - name: REMOTE_SYSLOG_SEVERITY value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_severity }}" {% endif %} {% if openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_facility is defined %} - name: REMOTE_SYSLOG_FACILITY value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_facility }}" {% endif %} {% if openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_remove_tag_prefix is defined %} - name: REMOTE_SYSLOG_REMOVE_TAG_PREFIX value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_remove_tag_prefix }}" {% endif %} {% if openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_tag_key is defined %} - name: REMOTE_SYSLOG_TAG_KEY value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_tag_key }}" {% endif %} {% if openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_use_record is defined %} - name: REMOTE_SYSLOG_USE_RECORD value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_use_record }}" {% endif %} {% if openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_payload_key is defined %} - name: REMOTE_SYSLOG_PAYLOAD_KEY value: "{{ openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_payload_key }}" {% endif %} volumes: - name: config configMap: name: logging-mux - name: certs secret: secretName: logging-fluentd - name: dockerhostname hostPath: path: /etc/hostname - name: localtime hostPath: path: /etc/localtime - name: muxcerts secret: secretName: logging-mux - name: filebufferstorage {% if openshift_logging_mux_file_buffer_storage_type == 'pvc' %} persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: {{ openshift_logging_mux_file_buffer_pvc_name }} {% elif openshift_logging_mux_file_buffer_storage_type == 'hostmount' %} hostPath: path: "/var/log/fluentd" {% else %} emptydir: {} {% endif %}