--- - name: ensure the node-bootstrap service account exists oc_serviceaccount: name: node-bootstrapper namespace: openshift-infra state: present run_once: true - name: grant node-bootstrapper the correct permissions to bootstrap oc_adm_policy_user: namespace: openshift-infra user: system:serviceaccount:openshift-infra:node-bootstrapper resource_kind: cluster-role resource_name: system:node-bootstrapper state: present run_once: true # TODO: create a module for this command. # oc_serviceaccounts_kubeconfig - name: create service account kubeconfig with csr rights command: "oc serviceaccounts create-kubeconfig node-bootstrapper -n openshift-infra" register: kubeconfig_out - name: put service account kubeconfig into a file on disk for bootstrap copy: content: "{{ kubeconfig_out.stdout }}" dest: "{{ openshift_master_config_dir }}/bootstrap.kubeconfig"