--- openshift_master_admission_plugin_config: openshift.io/ImagePolicy: configuration: kind: ImagePolicyConfig apiVersion: v1 # To require that all images running on the platform be imported first, you may uncomment the # following rule. Any image that refers to a registry outside of OpenShift will be rejected unless it # unless it points directly to an image digest (myregistry.com/myrepo/image@sha256:ea83bcf...) and that # digest has been imported via the import-image flow. #resolveImages: Required executionRules: - name: execution-denied # Reject all images that have the annotation images.openshift.io/deny-execution set to true. # This annotation may be set by infrastructure that wishes to flag particular images as dangerous onResources: - resource: pods - resource: builds reject: true matchImageAnnotations: - key: images.openshift.io/deny-execution value: "true" skipOnResolutionFailure: true