--- - name: Check that hawkular_metrics_hostname is set fail: msg='the openshift_metrics_hawkular_hostname variable is required' when: openshift_metrics_hawkular_hostname is not defined - name: Check the value of openshift_metrics_cassandra_storage_type fail: msg: > openshift_metrics_cassandra_storage_type ({{ openshift_metrics_cassandra_storage_type }}) is invalid, must be one of: emptydir, pv, dynamic when: - openshift_metrics_cassandra_storage_type not in openshift_metrics_cassandra_storage_types - not (openshift_metrics_heapster_standalone | bool) - name: list existing secrets command: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} -n {{ openshift_metrics_project }} --config={{ mktemp.stdout }}/admin.kubeconfig get secrets -o name register: metrics_secrets changed_when: false