OpenShift/Atomic Enterprise Node ================================ Node service installation Requirements ------------ One or more Master servers. A RHEL 7.1 host pre-configured with access to the rhel-7-server-rpms, rhel-7-server-extras-rpms, and rhel-7-server-ose-3.0-rpms repos. Role Variables -------------- From this role: | Name | Default value | | |------------------------------------------|-----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | openshift_node_debug_level | openshift_debug_level | Verbosity of the debug logs for node | | oreg_url | UNDEF (Optional) | Default docker registry to use | From openshift_common: | Name | Default Value | | |-------------------------------|---------------------|---------------------| | openshift_debug_level | 2 | Global openshift debug log verbosity | | openshift_public_ip | UNDEF (Required) | Public IP address to use for this host | | openshift_hostname | UNDEF (Required) | hostname to use for this instance | Dependencies ------------ openshift_common Example Playbook ---------------- Notes ----- Currently we support re-labeling nodes but we don't re-schedule running pods nor remove existing labels. That means you will have to trigger the re-schedulling manually. To re-schedule your pods, just follow the steps below: ``` oadm manage-node --schedulable=false ${NODE} oadm manage-node --evacuate ${NODE} oadm manage-node --schedulable=true ${NODE} ```` TODO License ------- Apache License, Version 2.0 Author Information ------------------ TODO