allowDisabledDocker: false apiVersion: v1 {% if openshift.common.version_gte_3_6 %} dnsBindAddress: dnsRecursiveResolvConf: /etc/origin/node/resolv.conf {% endif %} dnsDomain: {{ openshift.common.dns_domain }} {% if 'dns_ip' in openshift.node %} dnsIP: {{ openshift.node.dns_ip }} {% endif %} dockerConfig: execHandlerName: "" iptablesSyncPeriod: "{{ openshift.node.iptables_sync_period }}" imageConfig: format: {{ openshift.node.registry_url }} latest: {{ openshift_node_image_config_latest }} kind: NodeConfig kubeletArguments: {{ openshift.node.kubelet_args | default(None) | to_padded_yaml(level=1) }} {% if openshift_use_crio | default(False) %} container-runtime: - remote container-runtime-endpoint: - /var/run/crio.sock image-service-endpoint: - /var/run/crio.sock node-labels: - router=true - registry=true runtime-request-timeout: - 10m {% endif %} {% if openshift.common.version_gte_3_3_or_1_3 | bool %} masterClientConnectionOverrides: acceptContentTypes: application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf,application/json contentType: application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf burst: 200 qps: 100 {% endif %} masterKubeConfig: system:node:{{ openshift.common.hostname }}.kubeconfig {% if openshift_node_use_openshift_sdn | bool %} networkPluginName: {{ openshift_node_sdn_network_plugin_name }} {% endif %} # networkConfig struct introduced in origin 1.0.6 and OSE 3.0.2 which # deprecates networkPluginName above. The two should match. networkConfig: mtu: {{ openshift.node.sdn_mtu }} {% if openshift_node_use_openshift_sdn | bool or openshift_node_use_nuage | bool or openshift_node_use_contiv | bool or openshift_node_sdn_network_plugin_name == 'cni' %} networkPluginName: {{ openshift_node_sdn_network_plugin_name }} {% endif %} {% if openshift.node.set_node_ip | bool %} nodeIP: {{ openshift.common.ip }} {% endif %} nodeName: {{ openshift.node.nodename }} podManifestConfig: servingInfo: bindAddress: certFile: server.crt clientCA: ca.crt keyFile: server.key {% if openshift_node_min_tls_version is defined %} minTLSVersion: {{ openshift_node_min_tls_version }} {% endif %} {% if openshift_node_cipher_suites is defined %} cipherSuites: {% for cipher_suite in openshift_node_cipher_suites %} - {{ cipher_suite }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} volumeDirectory: {{ openshift_node_data_dir }}/openshift.local.volumes proxyArguments: proxy-mode: - {{ openshift.node.proxy_mode }} volumeConfig: localQuota: perFSGroup: {{ openshift.node.local_quota_per_fsgroup }}