--- - name: Create temp directory for volume definitions command: mktemp -d /tmp/openshift-ansible-XXXXXXX register: mktemp changed_when: False - name: Copy the admin client config(s) command: > cp {{ openshift_master_config_dir }}/admin.kubeconfig {{ mktemp.stdout }}/admin.kubeconfig changed_when: False - name: Deploy PersistentVolume definitions template: dest: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/persistent-volumes.yml" src: persistent-volume.yml.j2 when: persistent_volumes | length > 0 changed_when: False - name: Create PersistentVolumes command: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} create -f {{ mktemp.stdout }}/persistent-volumes.yml --config={{ mktemp.stdout }}/admin.kubeconfig register: pv_create_output when: persistent_volumes | length > 0 failed_when: ('already exists' not in pv_create_output.stderr) and ('created' not in pv_create_output.stdout) changed_when: ('created' in pv_create_output.stdout) - name: Deploy PersistentVolumeClaim definitions template: dest: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/persistent-volume-claims.yml" src: persistent-volume-claim.yml.j2 when: persistent_volume_claims | length > 0 changed_when: False - name: Create PersistentVolumeClaims command: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} create -f {{ mktemp.stdout }}/persistent-volume-claims.yml --config={{ mktemp.stdout }}/admin.kubeconfig register: pvc_create_output when: persistent_volume_claims | length > 0 failed_when: ('already exists' not in pvc_create_output.stderr) and ('created' not in pvc_create_output.stdout) changed_when: ('created' in pvc_create_output.stdout) - name: Delete temp directory file: name: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}" state: absent changed_when: False