[bdist_wheel] # This flag says that the code is written to work on both Python 2 and Python # 3. If at all possible, it is good practice to do this. If you cannot, you # will need to generate wheels for each Python version that you support. universal=1 [aliases] test=pytest [flake8] max-line-length=120 exclude=test/*,setup.py,oo-installenv ignore=E501 [lint] lint_disable=fixme,locally-disabled,file-ignored,duplicate-code [tool:pytest] testpaths = test norecursedirs = .* __pycache__ python_files = # TODO(rhcarvalho): rename test files to follow a single pattern. "test*.py" # is Python unittest's default, while pytest discovers both "test_*.py" and # "*_test.py" by default. test_*.py *_tests.py addopts = --cov=. --cov-report=term --cov-report=html