"ipekatrin-v4.ks", "templates" => "templates", "domain" => "ipe.kit.edu", "cidr" => 23, "gw" => "", "ns" => ",", "time" => "", "sysdisks" => "sdb,sdc", "append_sol" => "console=tty1 console=ttyS1,115200 earlyprint=serial,ttyS1,115200", "raid" => "RAID1", "size" => "80000", "bootsize" => "2048", "eth" => array("enp3s0f1", "enp3s0f0"), ); $IPE_SERVERS = array_merge($KATRIN_SERVERS, array( "ks" => "ipe.ks", "cidr" => 24, "base_net" => "192.168.26.", "gw" => "", "sysdisks" => "sda,sdb", "append_sol" => "", "raid" => "RAID1", "size" => "200000", "home_size" => "800000", "bootsize" => "2048", "eth" => array("eth0", "eth1"), "skip_security" => true, "skip_minimal" => false, "skip_home" => false, )); $ANDS_SERVERS = array_merge($IPE_SERVERS, array( "ks" => "ipe.ks", "cidr" => 24, "base_net" => "192.168.26.", "base_ip" => 140, "gw" => "", "sysdisks" => "sda,sdb", "append_sol" => "console=tty1 console=ttyS1,115200 earlyprint=serial,ttyS1,115200", "raid" => "RAID1", "size" => "200000", // "home_size" => "200000", "bootsize" => "2048", "eth" => array("eno1", "eno2"), "skip_security" => false, "skip_minimal" => false, "skip_home" => true, )); $CAMERA_SERVERS = array_merge($IPE_SERVERS, array( "raid" => "RAID0", "append_sol" => "console=tty1 console=ttyS1,115200 earlyprint=serial,ttyS1,115200", "eth" => array("eno1", "eno2"), "base_ip" => 80 )); $STUDENT_SERVERS = array_merge($IPE_SERVERS, array( "eth" => array("enp9s0", "enp6s0"), "base_ip" => 60 )); $SERVER_LIST = array( "ipecsavm" => array_merge($KATRIN_SERVERS, array( "ks" => "ipekatrin-v4.ks", "macs" => array("66:66:66:13:13:00"), "ip" => "", "netmask" => "", "gw" => "", "sysdisks" => "sda,sdb", "raid" => "RAID0", "size" => "60000", "ethdev" => "link", )), /* "ipechilinga2" => array_merge($KATRIN_SERVERS, array( "domain" => "ka.fzk.de", "macs" => array("48:5b:39:75:fe:ec"), "headers" => array( "REMOTE_ADDR" => array("") ) )),*/ "ipekatrin1" => array_merge($KATRIN_SERVERS, array( "macs" => array("0c:c4:7a:de:f1:08", "0c:c4:7a:de:f1:09") )), "ipekatrin2" => array_merge($KATRIN_SERVERS, array( "macs" => array("0c:c4:7a:de:f0:e6", "0c:c4:7a:de:f0:e7") )), "ipekatrin3" => array_merge($KATRIN_SERVERS, array( "macs" => array("0c:c4:7a:a8:81:3e", "0c:c4:7a:a8:81:3f"), "eth" => array("eno2", "eno1"), )), "ands0" => array_merge($ANDS_SERVERS, array( "macs" => array("00:25:90:da:82:58", "00:25:90:da:82:59"), "eth" => array("enp9s0", "enp10s0"), "sysdisks" => "sdb,sdc", // IPMI CDROM is emulates a disk which occasionaly get assigned to sdb/sdc, rebooting-retrying few times helps (it gets to sdd) )), "ipecamera0" => array_merge($CAMERA_SERVERS, array( "macs" => array("bc:5f:f4:ad:96:e3", "bc:5f:f4:ad:96:eb"), "eth" => array("enp20s0", "enp21s0"), )), "ipecamera3" => array_merge($CAMERA_SERVERS, array( "macs" => array("0c:c4:7a:32:72:20", "0c:c4:7a:32:72:21"), )), "ipecamera4" => array_merge($CAMERA_SERVERS, array( "macs" => array("0c:c4:7a:32:72:1e", "0c:c4:7a:32:72:1f"), )), "ipecamera5" => array_merge($CAMERA_SERVERS, array( "macs" => array("14:dd:a9:d5:76:31", "14:dd:a9:d5:76:32"), "eth" => array("eno1", "enp14s0"), )), "ipecamera6" => array_merge($CAMERA_SERVERS, array( "macs" => array("38:d5:47:02:d1:4b", "38:d5:47:02:d1:4c"), "eth" => array("enp14s0", "eno1"), )), "ipecluster6" => array_merge($STUDENT_SERVERS, array( "macs" => array("74:D0:2B:97:F3:2A", "74:D0:2B:97:F3:2B"), )), ); ?>