diff options
authorChristophe Roger <>2017-12-30 07:06:06 +1100
committerChristophe Roger <>2017-12-30 07:06:06 +1100
commite3abdaea90788caf4ec7012add3bc2d66828962e (patch)
parente25a946331200267520afd6bf91275480d144253 (diff)
[EVO] Create a keywords environment for the skills section [EVO] Create a keywordsentry macro to list your awesome skills as keywords [EVO] Create a referees environment [EVO] Create referee macro [EVO] Update README
7 files changed, 126 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 48f3084..0000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-sudo: required
-dist: trusty
-- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:grand-edgemaster/texlive-backports
-- sudo apt-get -qq update && sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends latexmk
- texlive-fonts-extra texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-extra
- texlive-latex-recommended texlive-luatex texlive-xetex latex-xcolor texlive-pictures pgf texlive-lang-french fonts-font-awesome
-- latexmk -cd -f -pdflatex=lualatex -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 -pdf cv.tex
- provider: releases
- api_key:
- secure: <key from travis CLI script>
- file:
- - resume.pdf
- skip_cleanup: true
- on:
- tags: true \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index e90d3f2..e8f3065 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-YAAC: Another Awesome CV [![CircleCI](]( [![Example](](
+YAAC: Another Awesome CV [![CircleCI](]( [![Example](](
## Quick start
@@ -100,6 +100,19 @@ Use the `\makecvheader`command to generate the header.
+### Construct the _comptences_ or _skills_ section
+To list your awesome skills as keyword lists you first have to declare the `keywords` environment and then fill it with a list of keywordsentry
+% Begin a new keywords environment to show us your awesome keywords
+ \begin{keywords}
+ % Here's go your keyword lists group by categories
+ \keywordsentry{Frameworks}{Spring, Spring Boot, \textbf{Ionic 3}, Angular 2, Angular 4, ZK, JBoss RichFaces}
+ \end{keywords}
### Construct the _experiences_ section
To describe your experiences you have first to declare the `experiences` environment
@@ -172,7 +185,7 @@ The _languages_ section use the **skills** environment.
### Construct the _scolarship_ section
-The _scolarship_ section ise the **scolarship** environment.
+The _scolarship_ section use the **scolarship** environment.
@@ -186,6 +199,41 @@ The _scolarship_ section ise the **scolarship** environment.
+### Construct the _references_ section
+The _references_ section use the **references** environment.
+ \begin{references}
+ % Here's go your references
+ \end{references}
+Then you can list your references as follow:
+ \begin{referees}
+ \referee
+ {John Snow}
+ {Lord Commander of the Night Watch}
+ {Night Watch}
+ {}
+ {+687 987 654}
+ \referee
+ {Géry Loutre}
+ {Architecte logiciel}
+ {Cafat}
+ {}
+ {+687 987 654}
+ \begin{referees}
+Note that this template
## License
Latex class file _yaac-another-awesome-cv_ is published under the term of the [LPPL Version 1.3c](
diff --git a/example/cv.tex b/example/cv.tex
index 8b336c1..0091851 100755
--- a/example/cv.tex
+++ b/example/cv.tex
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
\tagline{Architecte Logiciel | Développeur/Concepteur Java/JEE}
diff --git a/example/section_competences.tex b/example/section_competences.tex
index 5ea0e8b..98a0b28 100755
--- a/example/section_competences.tex
+++ b/example/section_competences.tex
@@ -11,14 +11,13 @@
%Section compétences
- \begin{tabular}{>{}r>{}p{13cm}}
- \textsc{Programmation:} & \textbf{Java} (\textbf{JEE}, \textbf{JSE}, JME, Java Card Platform), Microsoft .Net (\textbf{C\#}), \textbf{Typescript}, Javascript, CSS\\
- \textsc{Frameworks:} & Spring, Spring Boot, \textbf{Ionic 3}, Angular 2, Angular 4, ZK, JBoss RichFaces\\
- \textsc{Bases de données:} & IBM DB2, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL \\
- \textsc{Outils de développement:} & \textbf {IntelliJ Idea}, \textbf {Eclipse}, Visual Studio Code, Maven, Ant, SVN, git\\
- \textsc{Middleware:} & \textbf{JBoss EAP}, \textbf{Apache Tomcat}, Websphere Application Server (\emph{WAS})\\
- \textsc{Systèmes d'exploitation:} & Mac OS X, Windows Server, Windows 7, Linux Redhat, Linux Centos\\
- \textsc{Autres:} & architecture SOA, technologies RFID, NFC et code barre 1D/2D
- \end{tabular} \ No newline at end of file
+ \begin{keywords}
+ \keywordsentry{Programmation}{\textbf{Java} (\textbf{JEE}, \textbf{JSE}, JME, Java Card Platform), Microsoft .Net (\textbf{C\#}), \textbf{Typescript}, Javascript, CSS}
+ \keywordsentry{Frameworks}{Spring, Spring Boot, \textbf{Ionic 3}, Angular 2, Angular 4, ZK, JBoss RichFaces}
+ \keywordsentry{Bases de données}{IBM DB2, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL}
+ \keywordsentry{Outils de développement}{\textbf {IntelliJ Idea}, \textbf {Eclipse}, Visual Studio Code, Maven, Ant, SVN, git}
+ \keywordsentry{Middleware}{\textbf{JBoss EAP}, \textbf{Apache Tomcat}, Websphere Application Server (\emph{WAS})}
+ \keywordsentry{Systèmes d'exploitation}{Mac OS X, Windows Server, Windows 7, Linux Redhat, Linux Centos}
+ \keywordsentry{Autres}{architecture SOA, technologies RFID, NFC et code barre 1D/2D}
+ \end{keywords} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example/section_experience_short.tex b/example/section_experience_short.tex
index c415608..cdfed1b 100755
--- a/example/section_experience_short.tex
+++ b/example/section_experience_short.tex
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
% CC BY-SA 4.0 (
%Section: Work Experience at the top
-\sectionTitle{Expérience Professionelle}{\faSuitcase}
+\sectionTitle{Expériences Professionelles}{\faSuitcase}
diff --git a/example/section_references.tex b/example/section_references.tex
index 15ca797..a51f1ad 100755
--- a/example/section_references.tex
+++ b/example/section_references.tex
@@ -10,12 +10,20 @@
% CC BY-SA 4.0 (
%Section: Références
-\begin{tabular}{>{\small}r >{\small}p{8cm} >{\small}r >{\small}l}
- %\multicolumn{2}{l}{} \\
- \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textsc{Géry Loutre}, \emph{Architecte applicatif et logiciel}, CAFAT} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textsc{Nicolas Comète}, \emph{IT Architect}, IBM } \\
- \quad \faMobilePhone & +687 987 654 & \quad \faMobilePhone & +33 6 12 34 56 78\\
- \quad \faPhone & +687 255 654 & \quad \faPhone& +33 4 87 65 43 21\\
- \quad \mailSymbol & \href{}{} & \quad \mailSymbol & \href{}{}\\
-\end{tabular} \ No newline at end of file
+ \referee
+ {Jon Snow}
+ {Lord Commander}
+ {Night's Watch}
+ {}
+ {+687 987 654}
+ \referee
+ {Géry Loutre}
+ {Architecte logiciel}
+ {Cafat}
+ {}
+ {+687 987 654}
+\end{referees} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/yaac-another-awesome-cv.cls b/yaac-another-awesome-cv.cls
index 330605f..c40b399 100755
--- a/yaac-another-awesome-cv.cls
+++ b/yaac-another-awesome-cv.cls
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
% This work consists of the files awesome-source-cv.cls
-\ProvidesClass{yaac-another-awesome-cv}[2017/11/17 v1.7.0 'YAAC: Another Awesome CV' Class]
+\ProvidesClass{yaac-another-awesome-cv}[2017/12/26 v1.8.0 'YAAC: Another Awesome CV' Class]
@@ -117,16 +117,14 @@
%\setmainfont[BoldFont = Helvetica Neue, ItalicFont=Helvetica Neue Thin Italic ,SmallCapsFont = Helvetica Neue Light]{Helvetica Neue Thin}
\setmainfont{Source Sans Pro Light}[
- BoldFont = Source Sans Pro Semibold,
- ItalicFont= Source Sans Pro Light Italic,
- SmallCapsFont = Source Sans Pro]
+ BoldFont = SourceSansPro-Regular,
+ ItalicFont= Source Sans Pro Light Italic]
Path = fonts/,
- BoldFont = SourceSansPro-Semibold,
- ItalicFont = SourceSansPro-LightIt,
- SmallCapsFont = SourceSansPro-Regular]
+ BoldFont = SourceSansPro-Regular,
+ ItalicFont = SourceSansPro-LightIt]
%New length definition
@@ -156,7 +154,7 @@
% Render author's name
% Usage: \user{<firstanme>}{<lastname>}
-\newcommand\user[2]{\color{accentcolor}{\LARGE #1 \textbf{#2}}\color{Black}}
+\newcommand\user[2]{\color{accentcolor}{\LARGE #1 \textsc{\textbf{#2}}}\color{Black}}
% Render a text with its symbol
% Usage; \socialtext{<icon>}{<label>}
@@ -217,11 +215,11 @@
- \bigskip\center{\Large \color{accentcolor}\textsc{#1}\color{Black}}\par
+ \bigskip\center{\Large \color{accentcolor}\textbf{#1}\color{Black}}\par
- \color{accentcolor}\textsc{\large{#1}}\color{black}
+ \color{accentcolor}\textbf{\large{#1}}\color{black}
@@ -267,7 +265,22 @@
% Resume part title definition
-\newcommand\sectionTitle[2]{\section{\texorpdfstring{\color{accentcolor}#2\enspace #1}{#1}}}
+\newcommand\sectionTitle[2]{\section{\texorpdfstring{\color{accentcolor}#2\enspace \textsc{#1}}{#1}}}
+% Define the 'keywords' environment
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.1}
+ \begin{tabular}{>{}r>{}p{13cm}}
+ \end{tabular}
+% Render a scholarshipentry in the scolarship environment
+% Usage: \scholarshipentry{<date>}{<description>}
+ \textbf{#1} & #2\\
% Define a new column type for the scholarship environment
@@ -295,7 +308,7 @@
% Render a skill in the skills environment
% Usage: \skill{<skill>}{<level>}
- \textsc{#1} & \foreach \x in {1,...,5}{{\color{accentcolor!80} \ifnumgreater{\x}{#2}{\faCircleO}{\faCircle}}\enspace } \\
+ \textbf{#1} & \foreach \x in {1,...,5}{{\color{accentcolor!80} \ifnumgreater{\x}{#2}{\faCircleThin}{\faCircle}}\enspace } \\
@@ -316,8 +329,8 @@
% }
% {<Technology list>}
- \textsc{#1} & \textsc{#2, #3, #4} \\*
- \textsc{#5} & \begin{minipage}[t]{\rightcolumnlength}
+ \textbf{#1} & \textbf{#2, \textsc{#3}, #4} \\*
+ \textbf{#5} & \begin{minipage}[t]{\rightcolumnlength}
\end{minipage} \\*
& \footnotesize{\foreach \n in {#7}{\cvtag{\n}}} \\
@@ -333,8 +346,8 @@
% }
% {<Technology list>}
- \textsc{#1} & \textsc{#2, #3, #4} \\*
- \textsc{#5} & \emph{#6} pour #7 \\*
+ \textbf{#1} & \textbf{#2, \textsc{#3}, #4} \\*
+ \textbf{#5} & \emph{#6} pour \textsc{#7} \\*
& \begin{minipage}[t]{\rightcolumnlength}
\end{minipage} \\*
@@ -352,3 +365,23 @@
+% Define the 'referencees' environment
+ \hfill
+ \bigskip
+ \hspace{1em}
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr(\linewidth/3) - 3em}
+ \begin{tabular}{>{}l >{}l}
+ \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{#1}}\\
+ \multicolumn{2}{l}{\emph{#2}, \textsc{#3}}\\
+ \quad \mailSymbol & \href{mailto:#4}{#4} \\
+ \quad \faPhone & #5 \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{minipage}%