path: root/docs/filters.rst
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1 files changed, 48 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/docs/filters.rst b/docs/filters.rst
index c04b536..8afd0cb 100644
--- a/docs/filters.rst
+++ b/docs/filters.rst
@@ -538,9 +538,56 @@ Non-local-means denoising
Radius of patches.
+ .. gobj:prop:: h:float
+ Smoothing control parameter, should be around noise standard deviation
+ or slightly less. Higher h results in a smoother image but with blurred
+ features. If it is 0, estimate noise standard deviation and use it as
+ the parameter value.
.. gobj:prop:: sigma:float
- Sigma influencing the Gaussian weighting.
+ Noise standard deviation, improves weights computation. If it is zero,
+ it is *not* automatically estimated as opposed to :gobj:prop:`h`.
+ :gobj:prop:`estimate-sigma` has to be specified in order to override
+ :gobj:prop:`sigma` value.
+ .. gobj:prop:: window:boolean
+ Apply Gaussian profile with :math:`\sigma = \frac{P}{2}`, where :math:`P`
+ is the :gobj:prop:`patch-radius` parameter to the weight computation
+ which decreases the influence of pixels towards the corners of the
+ patches.
+ .. gobj:prop:: fast:boolean
+ Use a fast version of the algorithm described in [#]_. The only
+ difference in the result from the classical algorithm is that there is
+ no Gaussian profile used and from the nature of the fast algorithm,
+ floating point precision errors might occur for large images.
+ .. gobj:prop:: estimate-sigma:boolean
+ Estimate sigma based on [#]_, which overrides :gobj:prop:`sigma`
+ parameter value. Only the first image in a sequence is used for
+ estimation and the estimated sigma is re-used for every consequent
+ image.
+ .. gobj:prop:: addressing-mode:enum
+ Addressing mode specifies the behavior for pixels falling outside the
+ original image. See OpenCL ``sampler_t`` documentation for more information.
+ .. [#]
+ J. Darbon, A. Cunha, T.F. Chan, S. Osher, and G.J. Jensen, *Fast
+ nonlocal filtering applied to electron cryomicroscopy* in 5th IEEE
+ International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro,
+ 2008, pp. 1331-1334. DOI:10.1109/ISBI.2008.4541250
+ .. [#]
+ J. Immerkaer, *Fast noise variance estimation* in Computer vision and image
+ understanding 64.2 (1996): 300-302. DOI:10.1006/cviu.1996.0060
Horizontal interpolation