/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology * * This file is part of Ufo. * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * * Authored by: Alexandre Lewkowicz (lewkow_a@epita.fr) */ #include #include #include #include "ufo-filter-particle-task.h" #include "ufo-ring-coordinates.h" struct _UfoFilterParticleTaskPrivate { unsigned *img; size_t num_pixels; float threshold; float min; }; /*Maximal number of particles that can be tagged*/ #define nVectMax 100000 static void ufo_task_interface_init (UfoTaskIface *iface); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (UfoFilterParticleTask, ufo_filter_particle_task, UFO_TYPE_TASK_NODE, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (UFO_TYPE_TASK, ufo_task_interface_init)) #define UFO_FILTER_PARTICLE_TASK_GET_PRIVATE(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE((obj), UFO_TYPE_FILTER_PARTICLE_TASK, UfoFilterParticleTaskPrivate)) enum { PROP_0, PROP_MIN, PROP_THRESHOLD, N_PROPERTIES }; static GParamSpec *properties[N_PROPERTIES] = { NULL, }; UfoNode * ufo_filter_particle_task_new (void) { return UFO_NODE (g_object_new (UFO_TYPE_FILTER_PARTICLE_TASK, NULL)); } static void ufo_filter_particle_task_setup (UfoTask *task, UfoResources *resources, GError **error) { } static void ufo_filter_particle_task_get_requisition (UfoTask *task, UfoBuffer **inputs, UfoRequisition *requisition, GError **error) { UfoFilterParticleTaskPrivate *priv = UFO_FILTER_PARTICLE_TASK_GET_PRIVATE (task); requisition->n_dims = 1; ufo_buffer_get_requisition(inputs[0], requisition); size_t num_pixels = requisition->dims[0] * requisition->dims[1]; /* Allocate internal buffer to hold copy of image */ /* Reuse buffer when size is the smae */ if (priv->num_pixels != num_pixels) { priv->num_pixels = num_pixels; priv->img = realloc (priv->img, sizeof (unsigned) * num_pixels); } /* Output size varies according to data whithin the input */ /* I don't know the output size, I'll allocate it myself once I have * processed the data */ requisition->dims[0] = 0; requisition->n_dims = 1; } static guint ufo_filter_particle_task_get_num_inputs (UfoTask *task) { return 1; } static guint ufo_filter_particle_task_get_num_dimensions (UfoTask *task, guint input) { return 2; } static UfoTaskMode ufo_filter_particle_task_get_mode (UfoTask *task) { return UFO_TASK_MODE_PROCESSOR | UFO_TASK_MODE_CPU; } static void part_cen_radius(float *img, unsigned *bin, unsigned nc, unsigned nr, unsigned pc, double *cx, double *cy, double *rr) { /* nr == number of rows */ /* nc == number of columns */ /* pc == pixel count, (i-e nb of detected rings) */ /* cx, cy, rr, (x, y, r) coordinates of each ring */ unsigned i,j,k, itop, ibot, jleft, jright; unsigned b; unsigned *tops,*bots,*lefts,*rights; float cenx, radx, ceny, rady, wei; tops = malloc((pc+1)*sizeof(unsigned) * 100); bots = malloc((pc+1)*sizeof(unsigned) * 100); lefts = malloc((pc+1)*sizeof(unsigned) * 100); rights = malloc((pc+1)*sizeof(unsigned) * 100); for (k=0;k<=pc;k++) { tops[k]= (unsigned)nr; bots[k]=0; lefts[k]=(unsigned)nc; rights[k]=0; } /* Find extremities of each clustered pixels */ for (i=0;ii ) tops[b]=i; if ( bots[b]j ) lefts[b]=j; if ( rights[b] threshold) { /* Bottom left pixel */ if (i < (nr - 1) && j > 0 && input[(i + 1) * nc + (j - 1)] > threshold) { ncase += 1; iodd = 1; } /* Bottom right pixel */ if (i < (nr - 1) && j < (nc - 1) && input[(i + 1) * nc + (j + 1)] > threshold) ncase += 2; /* Top right pixel */ if (i > 0 && j < (nc - 1) && input[(i - 1) * nc + (j + 1)] > threshold) ncase += 4; /* Top left pixel */ if (i > 0 && j > 0 && input[(i - 1) * nc + (j - 1)] > threshold) ncase += 8; /* Bottom pixel */ if (i < (nr - 1) && input[(i + 1) * nc + j] > threshold) ncase += 16; /* Right pixel */ if (j < (nc - 1) && input[i * nc + (j + 1)] > threshold) ncase += 32; /* Top pixel */ if (i > 0 && input[(i - 1) * nc + j] > threshold) ncase += 64; /* Left pixel */ if (j > 0 && input[i * nc + (j - 1)] > threshold) ncase += 128; /* Pixel has no : Bottom, Right, Top, Left */ if (ncase <= 15) { // if (NO1 == 1) // bin[i][j] = ++pc; // else out[i * nc + j] = 0; } /* Pixel has no : Right, Top, Left */ /* and Pixel has : Bottom */ else if (ncase <= 31) { if(iodd == 1) out[i * nc + j] = out[(i + 1) * nc + (j - 1)]; /* Clone id */ else out[i * nc + j] = ++pc; } /* Pixel has no : Top, Left, Bottom */ /* Pixel has : Right */ else if (ncase <= 47) out[i * nc + j] = ++pc; /* Pixel has no : Top, Left */ /* Pixel has : Right, Bottom */ else if (ncase <= 63) { if (iodd == 1) out[i * nc + j] = out[(i + 1) * nc + (j - 1)]; else out[i * nc + j] = ++pc; } /* Pixel has no : Left */ /* Pixel has : Top */ else if (ncase <= 127) out[i * nc + j] = out[(i - 1) * nc + j]; /* Pixel has : Left */ else out[i * nc + j] = out[i * nc + (j - 1)]; /* Bottom Left && Bottom && Top && not(Left) */ if ((ncase & 1) && (ncase & 16) && (ncase & 64) && !(ncase & 128)) { /* Find duplicates, and locate them by x, and y list */ /* These duplicates shall be joined later */ k1 = out[i * nc + j]; /* 11 * 1 * 22 * in this case, bottom left was processed later, which * explains the comparison */ k2 = out[(i + 1) * nc + (j - 1)]; dupx[ndup] = (k1 > k2 ? k2 : k1); dupy[ndup] = (k1 > k2 ? k1 : k2); ndup++; } } else out[i * nc + j] = 0; } } dupindex = malloc ((unsigned) (pc + 1) * sizeof (unsigned)); /* binloc stores the 1D position (on row basis, like matlab) of each * candidate block of pixel (Most left-top of block) * or MAX_POS_VAL otherwise */ binloc = malloc ((unsigned) (pc + 1) * sizeof(unsigned)); for(k=0;k<=pc;k++) { binloc[k]= nr * nc; dupindex[k] = k; } for(j=0;j 0 && binloc[b] > (j*nr+i) ) binloc[b]=j*nr+i; } } for(k=0; k < ndup; k++) { /* 11 * 1 * 22 in this case*/ if( binloc[dupx[k]] > binloc[dupy[k]] ) { /* Dupx has always been afected the smaller id * ==> with row wise basis, locations dupx > dupy is always false */ temp = dupx[k]; dupx[k]=dupy[k]; dupy[k]=temp; } } /* Sort dupx to be in crescent order */ /* i-e * 22 * 2 * 33 * 3 *111 * Here dupx = { 2, 1 } ==> Not in crescent order */ if (ndup != 0) { for (k=0;kbinloc[dupx[j]]) { temp=dupx[k]; dupx[k]=dupx[j]; dupx[j]=temp; temp=dupy[k]; dupy[k]=dupy[j]; dupy[j]=temp; } else if( dupx[k]== dupx[j] && binloc[dupy[k]] > binloc[dupy[j]]) { temp=dupy[k]; dupy[k]=dupy[j]; dupy[j]=temp; } } } } /* dupindex gives the new index for each index, when two index are duplicates * dupindex will affect those two indexes a same value */ for(k=0;kdupx[j]) { temp=dupx[k]; dupx[k]=dupx[j]; dupx[j]=temp; } } } ncc=0; dupy[0]=0; /* map dupindex values to values from 1 to number_of_detected_ring, this * allows to have a constant step of one, eg: converting {1,3,6} -> {1,2,3} */ for(k=1;k<=pc;k++) { if(dupx[k]>dupx[k-1]) dupy[ dupx[k] ] = ++ncc; } *pcount=ncc; /* set dupindex to its newly mapped value, (making dupindex have a step of * one */ for (k=0;k<=pc;k++) dupindex[k]= dupy[ dupindex[k] ]; /* Make all duplicates have the same ID */ for(i=0;i b ? b : a; } static gboolean ufo_filter_particle_task_process (UfoTask *task, UfoBuffer **inputs, UfoBuffer *output, UfoRequisition *requisition) { (void) requisition; UfoFilterParticleTaskPrivate *priv = UFO_FILTER_PARTICLE_TASK_GET_PRIVATE (task); UfoRequisition req; ufo_buffer_get_requisition(inputs[0], &req); unsigned pcount = 0; float *input = ufo_buffer_get_host_array(inputs[0], NULL); unsigned radius; get_radius_metadata(inputs[0], &radius); /* Give unique ID to each cluster of pixels */ double max_value = get_max_value(input, req.dims[0], req.dims[1]); double threshold = priv->threshold * max_value; // When max_value is too low, it is unlikely for there to be any rings if (max_value < priv->min) { g_print("Filter_particle: min : Ignoring radius %u. Inputs max value is" " %f, at least %f expected\n", radius, max_value, priv->min); UfoRequisition out_req = { .n_dims = 1, .dims[0] = 1 }; ufo_buffer_resize (output, &out_req); float *out = ufo_buffer_get_host_array(output, NULL); *out = 0; return TRUE; } pfind (input, priv->img, (unsigned) req.dims[0], (unsigned) req.dims[1], &pcount, threshold); /* Compute center of each cluster and store coordinates in cx, cy */ double *cx = malloc (sizeof (double) * pcount); double *cy = malloc (sizeof (double) * pcount); double *rr = malloc (sizeof (double) * pcount); part_cen_radius(input, priv->img, (unsigned) req.dims[0], (unsigned) req.dims[1], pcount, cx, cy, rr); /* a list of pcount UfoRingCoordinate are generated in output */ /* first element is the number of rings detected */ UfoRequisition out_req = { .n_dims = 1, .dims[0] = 1 + pcount * sizeof (UfoRingCoordinate) / sizeof (float), }; ufo_buffer_resize (output, &out_req); float *out = ufo_buffer_get_host_array(output, NULL); UfoRingCoordinate *res = (UfoRingCoordinate *) (out + 1); *out = (float) pcount; for (unsigned i = 0; i < pcount; ++i) { res[i].x = (float) cx[i]; res[i].y = (float) cy[i]; res[i].r = (float) radius; unsigned x = min((unsigned)round(cx[i]), (unsigned) (req.dims[0] - 1)); unsigned y = min((unsigned)round(cy[i]), (unsigned) (req.dims[1] - 1)); res[i].intensity = input[y * req.dims[0] + x]; } free (cx); free (cy); free (rr); return TRUE; } static void ufo_filter_particle_task_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { UfoFilterParticleTaskPrivate *priv = UFO_FILTER_PARTICLE_TASK_GET_PRIVATE (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_MIN: priv->min = g_value_get_float(value); break; case PROP_THRESHOLD: priv->threshold = g_value_get_float(value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void ufo_filter_particle_task_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { UfoFilterParticleTaskPrivate *priv = UFO_FILTER_PARTICLE_TASK_GET_PRIVATE (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_MIN: g_value_set_float(value, priv->min); break; case PROP_THRESHOLD: g_value_set_float(value, priv->threshold); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void ufo_filter_particle_task_finalize (GObject *object) { G_OBJECT_CLASS (ufo_filter_particle_task_parent_class)->finalize (object); UfoFilterParticleTaskPrivate *priv = UFO_FILTER_PARTICLE_TASK_GET_PRIVATE (object); free (priv->img); } static void ufo_task_interface_init (UfoTaskIface *iface) { iface->setup = ufo_filter_particle_task_setup; iface->get_num_inputs = ufo_filter_particle_task_get_num_inputs; iface->get_num_dimensions = ufo_filter_particle_task_get_num_dimensions; iface->get_mode = ufo_filter_particle_task_get_mode; iface->get_requisition = ufo_filter_particle_task_get_requisition; iface->process = ufo_filter_particle_task_process; } static void ufo_filter_particle_task_class_init (UfoFilterParticleTaskClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); gobject_class->set_property = ufo_filter_particle_task_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = ufo_filter_particle_task_get_property; gobject_class->finalize = ufo_filter_particle_task_finalize; properties[PROP_MIN] = g_param_spec_float ("min", "Ignore image when it's maximal value is less than min", "Ignore image when it's maximal value is less than min", 0, 1, 0.125f, G_PARAM_READWRITE); properties[PROP_THRESHOLD] = g_param_spec_float ("threshold", "Set threshold value which is relative to the image maximum value", "Set threshold value which is relative to the image maximum value", 0, 1, 0.8f, G_PARAM_READWRITE); for (guint i = PROP_0 + 1; i < N_PROPERTIES; i++) g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, i, properties[i]); g_type_class_add_private (gobject_class, sizeof(UfoFilterParticleTaskPrivate)); } static void ufo_filter_particle_task_init(UfoFilterParticleTask *self) { self->priv = UFO_FILTER_PARTICLE_TASK_GET_PRIVATE(self); self->priv->img = NULL; self->priv->num_pixels = 0; self->priv->min = 0.125f; self->priv->threshold = 0.8f; }