path: root/src/Core/regularisers_CPU/TNV_core_backtrack.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Core/regularisers_CPU/TNV_core_backtrack.c')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/src/Core/regularisers_CPU/TNV_core_backtrack.c b/src/Core/regularisers_CPU/TNV_core_backtrack.c
index 7192475..9b19ed5 100755
--- a/src/Core/regularisers_CPU/TNV_core_backtrack.c
+++ b/src/Core/regularisers_CPU/TNV_core_backtrack.c
@@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ static int tnv_restore(HWThread thr, void *hwctx, int device_id, void *data) {
static int tnv_step(HWThread thr, void *hwctx, int device_id, void *data) {
long i, j, k, l;
+ long i1, i2, j1, j2;
tnv_context_t *tnv_ctx = (tnv_context_t*)data;
tnv_thread_t *ctx = tnv_ctx->thr_ctx + device_id;
@@ -376,11 +377,12 @@ static int tnv_step(HWThread thr, void *hwctx, int device_id, void *data) {
float theta1 = 1.0f + theta;
float constant = 1.0f + taulambda;
- float resprimal = 0.0;
- float resdual = 0.0;
- float product = 0.0;
- float unorm = 0.0;
- float qnorm = 0.0;
+ float resprimal = 0.0f;
+ float resdual1 = 0.0f;
+ float resdual2 = 0.0f;
+ float product = 0.0f;
+ float unorm = 0.0f;
+ float qnorm = 0.0f;
float udiff[dimZ] __attribute__((aligned(64)));
float qxdiff __attribute__((aligned(64)));
@@ -389,104 +391,82 @@ static int tnv_step(HWThread thr, void *hwctx, int device_id, void *data) {
float gradxdiff[dimZ] __attribute__((aligned(64)));
float gradydiff[dimZ] __attribute__((aligned(64)));
- for(int j1 = 0; j1 < stepY; j1 += BLOCK) {
- for(int i1 = 0; i1 < dimX; i1 += BLOCK) {
- for(int j2 = 0; j2 < BLOCK; j2++) {
- j = j1 + j2;
- for(int i2 = 0; i2 < BLOCK; i2++) {
- float t[3];
- float M1 = 0.0f, M2 = 0.0f, M3 = 0.0f;
- i = i1 + i2;
- if (i == dimX) break;
- if (j == stepY) { j2 = BLOCK; break; }
- l = (j * dimX + i) * padZ;
-//#pragma vector aligned
-#pragma GCC ivdep
- for(k = 0; k < dimZ; k++) {
- u_upd[l + k] = (u[l + k] + tau * div[l + k] + taulambda * Input[l + k]) / constant;
- udiff[k] = u[l + k] - u_upd[l + k];
- unorm += (udiff[k] * udiff[k]);
- gradx_upd[l + k] = (i == (dimX - 1))?0:((u[l + k + padZ] + tau * div[l + k + padZ] + taulambda * Input[l + k + padZ]) / constant - u_upd[l + k]);
- grady_upd[l + k] = (j == (copY - 1))?0:((u[l + k + dimX*padZ] + tau * div[l + k + dimX*padZ] + taulambda * Input[l + k + dimX*padZ]) / constant - u_upd[l + k]);
- gradxdiff[k] = gradx[l + k] - gradx_upd[l + k];
- gradydiff[k] = grady[l + k] - grady_upd[l + k];
- float ubarx = theta1 * gradx_upd[l + k] - theta * gradx[l + k];
- float ubary = theta1 * grady_upd[l + k] - theta * grady[l + k];
-//#define TNV_NEW_STYLE
- qx_upd[l + k] = qx[l + k] + sigma * ubarx;
- qy_upd[l + k] = qy[l + k] + sigma * ubary;
- float vx = divsigma * qx_upd[l + k]; //+ ubarx
- float vy = divsigma * qy_upd[l + k]; //+ ubary
- float vx = ubarx + divsigma * qx[l + k];
- float vy = ubary + divsigma * qy[l + k];
- M1 += (vx * vx); M2 += (vx * vy); M3 += (vy * vy);
- }
- coefF(t, M1, M2, M3, sigma, p, q, r);
-//#pragma vector aligned
-#pragma GCC ivdep
- for(k = 0; k < dimZ; k++) {
- float vx = divsigma * qx_upd[l + k];
- float vy = divsigma * qy_upd[l + k];
- float gx_upd = vx * t[0] + vy * t[1];
- float gy_upd = vx * t[1] + vy * t[2];
- qx_upd[l + k] -= sigma * gx_upd;
- qy_upd[l + k] -= sigma * gy_upd;
- float ubarx = theta1 * gradx_upd[l + k] - theta * gradx[l + k];
- float ubary = theta1 * grady_upd[l + k] - theta * grady[l + k];
- float vx = ubarx + divsigma * qx[l + k];
- float vy = ubary + divsigma * qy[l + k];
- float gx_upd = vx * t[0] + vy * t[1];
- float gy_upd = vx * t[1] + vy * t[2];
- qx_upd[l + k] = qx[l + k] + sigma * (ubarx - gx_upd);
- qy_upd[l + k] = qy[l + k] + sigma * (ubary - gy_upd);
- float div_upd_val = 0;
- div_upd_val -= (i > 0)?qx_upd[l + k - padZ]:0;
- div_upd_val -= (j > 0)?qy_upd[l + k - dimX * padZ]:0;
- div_upd_val += (i < (dimX-1))?qx_upd[l + k]:0;
- div_upd_val += (j < (copY-1))?qy_upd[l + k]:0;
- div_upd[l + k] = div_upd_val;
- qxdiff = qx[l + k] - qx_upd[l + k];
- qydiff = qy[l + k] - qy_upd[l + k];
- qnorm += (qxdiff * qxdiff + qydiff * qydiff);
- resdual += fabs(divsigma * qxdiff - gradxdiff[k]);
- resdual += fabs(divsigma * qydiff - gradydiff[k]);
- product += (gradxdiff[k] * qxdiff + gradydiff[k] * qydiff);
- if ((offY == 0)||(j > 0)) {
- divdiff = div[l + k] - div_upd[l + k]; // Multiple steps... How we compute without history?
- resprimal += fabs(divtau * udiff[k] + divdiff);
- }
+ j = 0; {
+# define TNV_LOOP_FIRST_J
+ i = 0; {
+# define TNV_LOOP_FIRST_I
+# include "TNV_core_backtrack_loop.h"
+ }
+ for(i = 1; i < (dimX - 1); i++) {
+# include "TNV_core_backtrack_loop.h"
+ }
+ i = dimX - 1; {
+# define TNV_LOOP_LAST_I
+# include "TNV_core_backtrack_loop.h"
+# undef TNV_LOOP_LAST_I
+ }
+ }
+ for(int j = 1; j < (copY - 1); j++) {
+ i = 0; {
+# define TNV_LOOP_FIRST_I
+# include "TNV_core_backtrack_loop.h"
+ }
+ }
+ for(int j1 = 1; j1 < (copY - 1); j1 += BLOCK) {
+ for(int i1 = 1; i1 < (dimX - 1); i1 += BLOCK) {
+ for(int j2 = 0; j2 < BLOCK; j2 ++) {
+ j = j1 + j2;
+ for(int i2 = 0; i2 < BLOCK; i2++) {
+ i = i1 + i2;
+ if (i == (dimX - 1)) break;
+ if (j == (copY - 1)) { j2 = BLOCK; break; }
+# include "TNV_core_backtrack_loop.h"
+ }
} // i
- } // j
- } // i
- } // j
+ }
+ for(int j = 1; j < (copY - 1); j++) {
+ i = dimX - 1; {
+# define TNV_LOOP_LAST_I
+# include "TNV_core_backtrack_loop.h"
+# undef TNV_LOOP_LAST_I
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = copY - 1; j < stepY; j++) {
+# define TNV_LOOP_LAST_J
+ i = 0; {
+# define TNV_LOOP_FIRST_I
+# include "TNV_core_backtrack_loop.h"
+ }
+ for(i = 1; i < (dimX - 1); i++) {
+# include "TNV_core_backtrack_loop.h"
+ }
+ i = dimX - 1; {
+# define TNV_LOOP_LAST_I
+# include "TNV_core_backtrack_loop.h"
+# undef TNV_LOOP_LAST_I
+ }
+# undef TNV_LOOP_LAST_J
+ }
ctx->resprimal = resprimal;
- ctx->resdual = resdual;
+ ctx->resdual = resdual1 + resdual2;
ctx->product = product;
ctx->unorm = unorm;
ctx->qnorm = qnorm;
@@ -630,6 +610,19 @@ float TNV_CPU_main(float *InputT, float *uT, float lambda, int maxIter, float to
+ {
+ tnv_thread_t *ctx = tnv_ctx.thr_ctx + 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < dimX; i++) {
+ for(k = 0; k < dimZ; k++) {
+ int l = i * padZ + k;
+ float divdiff = ctx->div[l] - ctx->div_upd[l];
+ float udiff = ctx->u[l] - ctx->u_upd[l];
+ resprimal += fabs(divtau * udiff + divdiff);
+ }
+ }
+ }
for (j = 0; j < tnv_ctx.threads; j++) {
tnv_thread_t *ctx = tnv_ctx.thr_ctx + j;
resprimal += ctx->resprimal;